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Early morning she wakes up and prepared his siblings breakfast..he then gave his father a bowl of congee and a few medicines before she greets him goodbye. she kisses her mother on her cheeks seeing her problematic on the bills she gave her all her salary money...And left..he inhales a deep breath.

"Relax it would be OK..you will buy it next time." Shenie internally said. Looking at her old shoes she can use it but under it..you will see some small holes.

Tired of the whole day and night working she just walking on the side road to go home Until she saw a child crossing the road and a car in a full-speed coming looking at it and Its look like uncontrolled... she didn't think twice and run across the road and push the child on the side road.
She felt the hit of the car on her body and the feeling of flying in the air. Before he felt numbness all over her body...

He opens his eyes....and Doctors and nurses are there greeting him...

"What are you feeling now Mr.Shen?" Dr.Ling ask.

"I'm a bit dizzy....excuse me what did you call me again?!" Shenwei answers blinking his confusing eyes...then his hand automatically reaches on his breast its flat..." Did I just get an operation?! Where is my breast?"Shenwei asked still confused he looks under his gown then he screams when he saw something between his legs.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Shenwei screams before all went black again.
Rushing to the door came Yezun And Yunlan.

"What happened?!'Yunlan ásked.

"I don't know, His fainted Sir.." the doctor said.

"What?! Why you don't know?!why he fainted? " Yezun asked. Holding his twin brother's hands.

"It looks like he is shocked into something... " Dr.Ling said.

" What do you mean?!" Yunlan asked again annoyed.

"We will know when he wakes up" Dr.Ling answered.

Shenwei again opens His eyes.

" did I just have a nightmare?dreaming?.....but its real.." Then his hands feel his flat chest he try to stand up..but he can't .he look behind him and he saw a big mirror there is a reflection beautiful guy then he blinks and he realized it was him.

" Oh my Gosh!....what's happening?!" Shenwei asked himself touching his face...
then he put down the sheets that covering his legs and his pajama.
He looks intensely at that thing between his legs it's pinkish with thin hair he touches it with his two hands.

"it'sts real... I'm a man and I have a--" Shenwei didn't finish his words.

" oh! I'm sorry I didn't knock... Didn't expect that you doing it your self....by the way you need my help? " Yunlan said smirking.

"Ahhhhhh!!" Shenwei scream he didn't know what he does first he then pulls up his pajama and covering himself with the cover until his neck.

Yezun Came rushing to the door.

"Didi your awake" Yezun hugged him Shenwei froze.

"Who are you people?!" Shenwei asked confusedly.

All of the people in that room widen their eyes including the handsome man that smirking at him a while ago...

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