dragons of the lost tribes

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stone wings:stone wings have either black,brown,gray or red scales and have a deadly barb at the end of there tails with very fine fur around it. they have the abilities to: turn into stone, breath under water,poison victims with tail teeth or claws and communicate with others by scraping against stones sending vibrations to each other. There queen is Queen obsidian

glow wings:glow wings are like silk wings except the have a poison barb like sand wings there antenna glow and there scales cast an eerie glow like fire flies. There colours range from blues, yellows ,pinks and purples.they have the abilities to spit toxic venom through there tail and they can communicate by making there antenna flicker. there queen is queen death( last queen died trying to save her kin from a death spit viper)

siren wings: siren wings have rough scales and a tail flap on the end of there tails there eyes glow in the dark like a cats they live deep under the water and there blood is made of gold a big prize for nearby sea wings who happen to slay them they are very rare to see.there scale colours can be any color apart from white and sometimes black they have speckles of any color (mostly gold)along there back .they have the abilities to hypnotize any passing dragons by using a strange song,they can disappear into thin air and can communicate by using clicks and humming sounds there queen is queen click

moon wings:moon wings are very mysterious and the deadliest of all with there fire proof scales down to there deadly moon shaped tail there scales are white and there eyes are black there strange abilities is disappear into thin air control lightning swim as fast as siren wings breathe steaming hot fire control minds and run as fast as speed wings there queen is queen death

flame wings/ perils tribe:they have the same coloured scales as sky wings and larger wings with high speeds up to 99999 km's in a couple of seconds. they have burning blistering hot scales there queen is queen flame

speed wings:speed wings are not so good at flying so they usually stay on the ground but are faster than lightning they have a barbed tail and the color of there scales range from blue green and purple there queen is queen speed (daughter is speed paint)

ivy wings: ivy wings are very deadly living with the moon wings for more than 1000 years. they have green purple to brown scales that sometimes glow in the dark they can communicate with the plants and animals around them and see in the dark unfortunately there wings are very,very fine so that means it would catch alight in minutes if you breath even the smallest flame around them. there queen is queen leaf speak

poison wings: poison wings are nearly the deadliest tribe of them all! they have poison filled scales with poison worse than death spit vipers but unfortunately they have died out killed by the other tribes there scales were the color of bronze green and a poison like pink there queen was queen drip

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