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" I fucking hate you" I screamed before I slammed my bedroom door and jumped onto my bed burying my head into the pillow. A faint "fuck you" was heard, but other then that the house went silent. It was just another stupid fight that lead to nothing but a lot of yelling and depending on the fight some silent treatment. Through my silent tears and my face still shoved into my pillow I heard the door creak open and a presence slowly enter the room. I knew who it was instantly because he always came no matter what he was doing. I'm not sure if it was the mate bond doing its thing, him genuinely caring, or both. I really hoped it was him caring though. He is that "I'm a man I don't believe in that sappy love shit" and that standoffish build up the walls guy. 

"Are you okay" I heard his gruff voice say as he sat on the bed. I didn't answer at first mostly because I was not in the mood to talk or his possible fake sympathy. He released a breath from his lips and slid slightly closer to where I was laying. "What happened?" 

"Nothing, I'm fine" I mumbled into the pillow. Part of me wanted him to go and the  other part wanted him to take off his shoes and hold me for the rest of the night. I knew the second thought wasn't going to be an option especially with the Alpha meeting tomorrow. This meeting has been a pain in the ass, especially dealing with him. 

"Obviously everything isn't fine or you wouldn't be crying." I wanted to slap the shit out of him right there and scream get out. I didn't for a variety of reasons: 1. It would just lead to an argument 2. I didn't have the energy. 

"I'm fine, just go finish the details about the meeting. I will talk to you tomorrow" I said turning my back towards him and this conversation. 

"Okay, I won't be back to bed tonight. If you need me you know where I will be." I felt a slight rub on my back and then he was gone. That was the last thing I remember before I fell asleep due to exhaustion.


*Beep* Beep* was silently shut up as a I slammed my fist down on that god forsaken alarm clock. Crawling out of bed and walking to the bathroom to get ready for this hectic day was the first thing that managed to do. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I looked into the mirror and let out a scream. Frantically looking in the mirror and praying this was only a dream, I gave myself a good pinch on the arm.  To no avail I was still looking at my sister Izzies face. I booked it down the hall and ran as fast as I could to "my" room. Rounding a corner I ran into what felt like a brick wall and waited for the impact of my butt hitting the ground. It never came and in fact the only impact I felt was that of strong hands gripping my arms. 

"Woah Izzie watch where you are going" Lucas "my" mate said. Even with his hair messed up from raking his hands through his hair and the slight bags under his eyes, he looked hot as hell. I silently scolded myself for these thoughts, especially in my sisters body. He gave me a strange look almost as if waiting for me to say something. 

"Oh shit I'm sorry, have you seen Izz I mean Mia?" Again he gave me that curious and almost judgmental look again. I hope he is not suspicious of anything because this could spell trouble.

"She should be on our room. May I ask why you are running around the halls looking for her?" He asked. Think Mia think.

"The meeting duh, I'm helping her get ready for today." I gave my self a pat on the back for coming up with that so quickly. " I woke up late and need to get up there. So I should probably get going" I said as a scooted around his big frame. I began my walk/run again, but didn't make it very far.

"Isabella" I heard from behind me. "Make sure you make her look somewhat decent, I don't want her looking like she normally does". I am going to kill him I thought as a shook my head and began my walk once more. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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