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/sorry im trash,

Makoto came home after a long friday at the store. He worked at a flower-shop, right down the street from his apartment, and he loved his job. The customers were nice, and it paid just enough for him to afford a living, wich fitted Makoto perfectly. He didn't need much more than that.

Makoto never complained about how little he got, or about how small apartment he owned. He was almost positive when it came to everything; without one thing. He never thought he would find anyone. A partner. A sigh left his lips and he sat down on his coach, and he took up his phone.

2 new messages.

Haru: "You wanna join me and Rin for dinner?"

Haru: "Its at Rin's place, six o'clock"

Makoto smiled, and looked at the clock on his phone; 16:49. "Atleast do I have time to get ready" he laughed to himself, before standing up.

After showering, he dressed up in a darkgreen-white-striped tshirt, and a tight light-green jeans, not wanting to do much out of it. He had black converse on, and because the weather is so good, he decided not to wear a jacket.

Arriving at Rin's place, he lightly knocked on the door, smiling the normal, bright smile of his. The one that opened the door were not Haru, neither Rin, but a darkbrown haired godness. He had light blue eyes, and muscles. A lot of them too. He had a black tshirt on, and tight jeans. Oh god he rocked those jeans. Makoto squealed like a schoolgirl, and blushed, a bit too much for his own good; "Are you Makoto?" the brownhaired angel asked, and Makoto felt all fuzzy inside when this guy said his name; "y-yeah" he stuttered, and he looked down on his feet.

Jesus christ on a stick how did this hot god end up at Rins house holy shit he is fucking gorgeous.

"Eeey, Makoto!" Rins voice shouted from behind this hotness, and Makoto looked up, smiling brightly again; "Rin~!" he grinned, and the hotness moved away from the door, and walked into Rins apartment. Makoto hugged Rin, smiling, before taking his shoes of, and joining Rin into their livingroom; "its taco for dinner" said Haru shortly after hugging Makoto, and Makoto smiled, sitting between Haru.

The hotness came walking out of the kitchen, holding four cokes in his hands. Makotos cheeks went red again, and he lookes away, to not get a heart-attack. "Oh, yeah, and this is Sousuke!" Rin grinned, and Makoto's heart skipped a beat. The name fitted this guy perfectly.

Makoto smiled to him, but Sousuke didn't smile back. Makoto were a bit dissapoined, but when Sousuke sat down beside him, he lighted up as if it were christmas. Sousuke threw a coke to Rin, and then one to Haru, before holding one up for Makoto. Makoto blushed and took the coke; "thankyou" he smiled, and he smiled. Sousuke looked a bit suprised, but Makoto didn't see that, because he looked away too fast. They ate, and Rin kept the conversation going, but Sousuke didn't say much until Rin said something about him; "-and then Sousuke walked in, and he just looked at me as if I had killed a person" Rin laughed. "You stood there with sugar all over the floor" Sousuke said, and grinned. Makotos heart amost stopped, and he blushed. Sousuke's voice were deep and just fitted him perfectly. Makoto realised he had a small crush on Sousuke already now, and he

When the clock turned eigth, they sat on a movie. Rin insisted on a horror movie, and Makoto didn't want to ruin the fun, so he didn't say anything against it, even though he hated horrormovies

Makoto made sure not to look too much on the tv. He slightly jumped every time the woman in the movie screamed, but he tried to look up at it at the end. He felt pretty scared, but didn't think anything would happen. But then, a jumpscare came, and he squealed while hiding behing the person who sat closest to him... Sousuke. Then he apologised a hundred times, while Rin and Hru laughed their asses off. Makoto were to scared and embarassed to say anything the rest of the movie, but when it ended, the clock were around ten, and Makoto sat there, quietly blushing.

"I-I have to go now" he said, at once the movie was over. "At once?" Haru asks, and Makoto stands up; "y-yeah" he said, and he walked over to the door; "its already dark outside, and I don't even wear a jacket, Haru" Makoto said, smiling softly. Haru furrowed his brows and looked down. "Sousuke has a car! He can drive you home!" Rin grinned, and Makoto looked up with big eyes; "n-no, I d-don't wanna b-bother h-hi-" "Sure" Sousuke said, and Makoto blushed; "B-but..". Rin grinned; "stay here some more, common!" he said, smiling. Makoto just nodded and sat down again.

An hour later, Makoto sat there, tired and sleepy. Sousuke talked with Haru and Rin about swimming, and Makoto didn't say much. He closed his eyes and fell asleep rigth after that.

He woke up my a hand softly shaking him. Makoto opened his eyes and looked into Sousukes bright blue eyes; he blushed and squealed when he realised he had his head on Sousukes shoulder; "I-I'm sorry!" he squealed, and he hid his face in his hands. Sousuke laughed, but stood up; "let me drive you home now, you're tired" he smiled, and Makoto blushed but silently nodded. He got his shoes on, and followed Sousuke out into his car after saying bye to Haru and Rin.

Now was it just to survive the drive home.

/shall be smut in the next chapter, yeeh.

Sousuke x Makoto AU Daddy kinkWhere stories live. Discover now