Valkyrie wakes up in the middle of the night and everyone nearly dies.

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Everyone had a pleasant afternoon, with Loki waking up and being extremely confused yet sassy at the same time. Thor found out he was mind-controlled by Thanos too, but in a different way which made him remember the people he had met. Bruce had called someone named Scott and talked about needing pym particles. When the moon butted the sun out of the sky, Bruce had a total of six rooms, one which he occupied. Peter and Gamora had offered to take the couch downstairs while Drax, Mantis, Rocket, and Groot all squeezed together in a room. Stephen and Wanda slept alone in their rooms while Thor and a disgruntled Loki took up one. Which left one room and Valkyrie and Carol were the ones who hadn't got a room yet.

  Valkyrie caught herself wondering whether Thor had told everyone to purposely leave a room for her and Carol.

  "It's okay I can sleep downstairs. I'll just find somewhere-" Carol had started.

  "No, no, you sleep here." As they entered the room, Valkyrie saw a picture of a redhead hung on the wall opposite the queen-sized bed. She had intense olive green eyes and the ends of her braided hair faded into white. She had a small smile on her face. The words, 'See you in a minute' were written in cursive below the picture.

  "That's Natasha Romanoff," Carol explained, following Valkyrie's gaze toward the woman in the picture. "She's one of the original Avengers. She sacrificed herself so her friend could obtain the Soul Stone."

  "One of the fallen," Valkyrie said softly. Bruce must have dedicated a room to each of the of his friends, thus the five rooms excluding his. This room clearly was for Natasha. There was a painting of a simple red hourglass against a black backdrop with a small vase of fresh flowers next to it on a small desk.

  "I've met her before," Carol continued quietly as she crawled onto bed. "She's responsible, serious, and a natural leader. Selfless too."

  Valkyrie settled herself down beside Carol and sunk into the pillows. From here, Natasha looked like she was smiling at them. "She had a nice smile."

  "She did."

  Carol yawned sleepily and flipped around so she was laying prone on the bed.

  "You're going to suffocate yourself, Danvers." Valkyrie flipped Carol onto her back and saw the miserable expression on her face.

  "I miss my cat," she whined.

  "Goose?" Valkyrie remembered how Carol had shown her a picture of the ginger cat on her phone years ago.

  "Do you think Fury fills his bowl every day?" Carol asked.

  "I'm sure he will." Valkyrie nudged her. "Stop worrying."

  Carol curled into herself and closed her eyes, sighing softly. Valkyrie made sure the blanket covered Carol as well before she made herself comfortable.



  "I-I need to tell ask something."

  "What is it?"

  Valkyrie gazed at Carol's sleepy face. "How does being in love feels like? Does it feel like you want to vomit rainbow and stars and what do you Midgardians say it? Something like butterflies..."

  "Butterflies in your stomach," Carol finished for her. "Yes."

  "Why say butterflies instead of something else?"

  "Probably because when a bunch of butterflies fly in your stomach their wings tickle you?"

  "Great explanation." Valkyrie smiled at Carol. She's so beautiful.

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