04 - Trying To See Eye-to-Eye

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            Wanda had always had the strongest of bonds with her twin brother

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Wanda had always had the strongest of bonds with her twin brother. The two looked out for each other. Though they disagreed in some matters, they pushed their differences aside. They were always a team.

Until this very moment.

Wanda didn't know how, but she knew something had gone terribly, terribly wrong. It was like someone had invaded her body and ripped her heart in half. Some piece of her suddenly ceased to exist.

In the midst of protecting the core, Wanda's mind stopped. Any Ultron-bots should have been glad they were not within the vicinity of the witch. Her knees buckled, and with a heartbreaking scream, Wanda Maximoff fell to her knees. Upon impact with the ground, a red blast shot from the witch, causing nearby structures to tremble and crack.

Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong.

"P-Pietro," Wanda gasped out. Her heart beat like someone was punching her in her chest cavity. The pain...

Wanda looked up with tearful eyes. Though they were miles apart, she felt her brother's pain. The biggest shock was then feeling nothing at all.

In her aching heart, Wanda Maximoff had the most dreadful feeling that her twin brother had been killed in action.


Wanda felt covered in sweat when she pulled herself from her nightmare. Groaning, she put her palms against her eyes, rubbing gently. She couldn't win. She didn't win when she didn't sleep. She didn't win when she did sleep.

Wanda put a hand against her forehead in exasperation. Another day without her twin. Another day without his smartass remarks. Another day without being near her speedster, silver-haired brother.

Half of a whole, Wanda told herself. That's what I am. The Avengers stole the other half from me. I can't get him back, but I can damn well make sure I get justice.

Wanda faced the hotel room window. Sunrays shone in, almost aligned in Wanda's vision. Behind her, she heard Helena snoring softly from the safety of her own bed. I need to show her what they've done.

An idea popped into her brain, though she wasn't sure how well Helena would take to it. Wanda could show Helena what the Avengers did; she could show the girl the recent events in Sokovia and around the world. It would be simple enough to do...in theory.

Not many liked the idea of being invaded, let alone have someone push their memories into someone else's brain. But I don't have to touch her to show her the memories. Wanda quirked her lips at Helena's own little quirk. She refused to have any physical contact.

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