Chapter Forty-Nine: "My dad was pretty cool."

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Anthony's favourite spot was just how I had remembered it. It was another beach house, and in some respects, it was similar to our home. It had the same architectural structure, and the same summer vibe. But it was practically on the sea – the backyard was a balcony that was built practically atop of the ocean.

The weather was perfect for our trip, and the sun was shining like a fluorescent beam from the sky. It was warm, but there was also a breeze from the ocean that stopped the heat from burning our skin. I tilted my head up to the sky and closed my eyes. The wind swept across my cheeks and I instantly knew that Anthony was here with us.


So, this was where my dad loved to spend his spare time. It was a beautiful beach house that rested pretty much atop of the water. Sand was peppered up the steps of the front porch, and the walls of the house were scraped from the beach storms. It was rugged, and it was perfect.

I could imagine my dad sitting on the balcony with his sketch book, drawing images of the ocean and its many inhabitants. Every breath taken here was easy, and it felt as though the air that was filling my lungs was fresh and cool. My dad would have taken deep breaths whilst he was drawing to fill himself with fresh inspiration. I knew that because that was exactly what I would do.

As we entered the beach house I sighed. There were pictures of Colton and his family, along with photos of them with my dad. He looked so happy, as though he was not just an extended member of their family, but a part of the close-knit inner family.

I gasped as I saw a photo of my dad and Ren. It made my heart stop and I had to stop myself from vomiting right there and then all over Kenny's luggage that was piled in front of me.

'I'm so sorry, Alyssa! I should have cleared these up beforehand.' Laurel said, picking up the image ready to hide it.

I held my hand out to take it from her and have a closer look. They were both smiling. Ren was holding starfish that had obviously been swept up from the ocean, and my dad had his arm around his shoulders and wore a proud smile on his face.

'No, don't apologise. You shouldn't feel bad for keeping happy memories.' I placed the photo back where it was and tried to ignore the sag of my shoulders.

'If I could change what Ren done, I would take it all back in a heartbeat. I really would.' Laurel carried on staring at the photo and I could see a tear fall from her left eye.

'I know you would.' I reached out and squeezed her hand. None of this was her fault, and she had been nothing but nice to me. Her and the rest of Colton's family had made amends as much as they could for Ren's sins, and it wouldn't be fair of me to condemn them for it. My dad wouldn't want that.

My dad could never hold a grudge. He was a forgive and forget kind of guy, and right now I needed to be that way too.


Our bedroom was the one my dad always used. I didn't know if it was just in my head, but I felt as though as soon as I walked through the door, I could smell his cologne. I immediately threw myself down onto the bed and stuck my head into the pillow. It was cold and if I sniffed harshly enough.

I felt the mattress dip beside me and within seconds, Colton's arms were around me and my face was stuffed against his chest.

I stayed there for a moment before moving so that I could appreciate the rest of the room. The walls were wooden, as was the floor and there were fabric rugs on the ground. I recognised one of dad's tapestries on the walls; we had picked it up when we had travelled to Europe together in the fall one year. I must have been around fifteen.

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