"There are many kinds of monsters."
The old man who had spoken let out, then drew in a breath."There are dragons, hydra, and countless serpentine beasts. There are monsters who are an abomination of nature, like the chimera, or the cyclopes."
The man squeezed his dull grey eyes closed.
"But, in my experience the worst monsters are those who deceive. What you think is no longer private information. They can bend and turn your mind inside and out."
All of this was spoken to his therapist, a trustworthy looking, clean shaven man.
"And what of the heroes? Who can slay such a fearsome beast?"
Grey eyes opened, as he answered his own question.
"Only those well versed in the making of lies they are trying to defeat."
At this point, the lightly accented words of Grey were replaced by the soothing voice belonging to Trust.
"So this person must also be a monster?"
Grey nodded, and closed his eyes again.
"Much like fire, monsters spread. Those that come into contact with a monster become one. Consumed by their flames."
"Who could survive that flame?"
"Only those who already have a monster in their heart."
When he opened his eyes this time, all signs of Trust were gone.
Short Stories
Short StoryInspired by exurb1a. These will not necessarily be any good, but you never know, you know? To be clear, I'm not trying to enforce ideas on you, though my stories have fairly clear inspiration.