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                           C H A P T E R  O N E

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                           C H A P T E R  O N E

"Jimin~ look what came in the mail today!" Mother beamed, stepping into the room with a red envelope in hand.

My eyes widened, as I jumped up and took it from her, opening it slowly, unraveling the letter:
Regarding Park Jimin's submission:

Congratulations Mr. Park Jimin, you have been accepted into Busan State School for the Academically Skilled. You-
"Holy fuck! I got in!" I screamed giddily, not even bothering to read the rest and discarding it onto the floor. My dream school- My dream life. I did it, ME. Park Jimin.

"That's so amazing, Jimin!" Mom yelled back, dancing with me as I did a silly victory dance. Father was practically crying when he heard the news, I couldn't wait, I was screaming all day about it to my neighbours.
«s k i p»
"We- We're going to miss you, son." Dad trembled before crying into my
jacket. I rolled my eyes, patting his back as he cried.
"I'll be back for Christmas." I chuckled, before taking my suitcases
and hopping in the taxi, seeing my mother and father yelling endless words of encouragement as the taxi drove away made me feel warm inside.

I didn't even realise I was crying until the kid sat next to me on the bus began tapping me
with a tissue. I bowed my head a little, burying his face in the tissue and facing the window. My first day of Busan State School. I wasn't ready honestly. I had been living in a student payed hotel for a week before the dorms were cleaned for us. Today, I would choose a club to major in and move into a dorm. I was excited, but nervous.

Everyone was so loud, people were throwing things left, right and center, yelling and cursing eachother out. It felt nice though, being around these kids again. It gave me nostalgia, It felt like ever since I had been on a school bus.

As soon as we had arrived, I grabbed my suitcases and trotted off of the bus, admiring the huge block of buildings, all beautifully structured, this really was a school worth working for. We set our luggage on a rack to come back to when we had our dorm keys and we all headed to different buildings. I swung open the gold double doors to the main entrance and took in the sweet scent of... sweat. Hmm, looking around there were so many students in this tiny area, how was I supposed to find the club area?

"Ah excuse me!" I called out as a taller boy passed me. He didn't have a freshmen uniform on so I assumed he would know where to go. He turned around, groaning. "No, I don't want to sponsor your club, yes I know I'm cute, thank you, bye." He groaned.

"Ah wait! No- no no, that wasn't- I wasn't going to ask that!" I spluttered. Taking a proper look, I should've realised who this guy was. He was the school mascot and model for most of the pictures put up on the school's website. I think his name was Yoonssi? Yoon...
"I was just wondering where you sign up for clubs?" I asked, shyly.

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