Also not Zodiac but it NEEDS to be said

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If you don't wanna read this you don't have to but it needs to be said.

So apparently if Pence becomes president he will force the lgbtq+ community to do summer camps (which are abusive camps to turn gay people into straight people(which obviously wouldn't work) The lqbtq+ community has been fighting for our rights for a long time and it wasn't until a few years ago when the decide to give us our rights. Now their deciding to take them away.

It blows my mind on how much the government thinks this is going to be good for the U.S but it's not. It's only going to destroy the world. I really just want to go up to every homophobic person in the world with a knife and just chop their head off. It doesn't matter who we love. The would should be a safe place right? Well it's not. The government clearly doesn't see that we're all human and that that can't change that. Everyone always has something to say no matter who you are or what your doing. We should be able to be ourselves without getting judged by other people. We should be able to feel what ever with out being judged by other people. We should be able to do what we want without being judged.The government needs to realize that what their doing isn't going to solve anything. If anything it's going to make things worse. They need to realize that we are fighting for what we believe in. They wouldn't take rights away from someone who believes in god but they would take right away from people who are just being human and loving who they want. No one should have to be afraid to live in the place they are in. No one should have to feel like they have to hide from others, fearing that the would get hurt. No one should have to feel the need to keep to themselves because others in this would don't know how to accept people for who they are. This world is messed up. If you thought 2019 was bad, 2020 is going to be worse.

I promise i'll get back to zodiac things soon but I just felt like this needed to be said. I have never felt so angry in my entire life. This really effects me and it's something every lgbtq+ person should know. And sorry if the beginning of the 2nd paragraph is offensive it needed to be said in my opinion.

Ha my dumb ass put the wrong name oops.

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