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So here we are at Auradon prep. "School of legends." School of secrets is more like it. Sure; you've heard of our parents, but you don't know us. Let me introduce you to a few people here. Princesses, sidekicks, sports heroes, and school royalty. Wonder what we'll learn.

And who am I? I'm the one who's going to show what their really like when they don't think anyone's watching. I'm the main reason they have to look behind their back before doing the most normal thing. I'm the one who's giving the latest scoop on your favorite auradonions.

But most recently came some bad turned good kids. The Jock Jay, Fashionista Evie, Smart Carlos, and pulling all them from their collar is Mal. The daughter of Maleficent, the one who betrayed her own mother, the one who fell in love with the newly crowned King Ben.

As for King Ben oh that precious, beautiful, compulsive, piece of trash. That poor boy has no idea what he's driven himself into. What you may ask? What was it that I very much knew that was about to drag him down? His new boo? Maybe. That golden plaster on his head? Yes. He may think he's on cloud 9 but that's all about to change.

Oh and before you ask. Yes I do indeed plan to make the very best exposures this year. All thanks to those flea filled street rat Vk's.

Let's not favor the new kids just yet otherwise my Ak's are gonna feel left out. Sadly last years seniors are gone and the juniors aren't that flattering. But I do have my special sophomores.

The pink princess, her boy toy, the king, Asian one, Fairy God-daughter, and their followers.

The pink one has always been my favorite doll. Always wanted to be at the top. Always thought she had power. Always had the best in everything. Always getting whatever she wanted because she was well daddy's girl. But what she didn't know was I had all access to attack, that was one thing daddy couldn't stop.

What he did stop though was that horribly, foe relationship with Chad Charming. I mean everyone knows that he was just a rebound man since the 8th grade. Sadly he was always under his "best friends" shadow, Ben always got the girl and the title of tourney. And well you never really go no where with just good looks and zero brains. That's when the whole 1 date= A+ started happening, he had every girl a fool but the warriors daughter.

Lonnie was a whole other story she was the most normal out of them. She..well..erm, Lonnie was a side character. She wasn't class favorite, mean girl, nerd girl, or sports girl. What she was was a smart,classy,and nice person. She could've done so much more than just being Audrey's right hand woman. Always dragged around and thrown around. Until well the Vk's, she completely dumped Audrey and lounged around with those freaks.

Unlike Jane, *sigh* Jane she was someone who was always in the shadow. She wasn't a scholarship kid or a nerd. Well she was kinda a nerd. But nobody treated her like it cause of her mom being the headmaster. She was one of those kids who were tossed aside and never really bothered (unless they wanted schedule changes).

She was one of those kids who craved attention and wanted to be one of the "cool kids"; so when Audrey Rose spoke to her about the Vk's and needing help she took her opportunity. She was finally having two sentenced conversations with the queen bee and her soon-to-be-king boyfriend. But then came coronation and she blew it (literally). Bows she hides in her shadow again getting looks from what she thought was her friends.

Don't even get me started on dwarf boy. He isn't even apart of "the group". He is a sidekicks son who happened to be right there when Prince Ben needed help with the Vk's. He was a scholastic nerd who liked school and was in band. *shivers*.

Anyways back to the interesting people. The princes and princesses of Auradon were never the same once the Vk's came. Nothing was.

Ben flew off with the Vk's and his Vk's girlfriend, and was basically never school anymore thanks to king work.

Audrey was still the queen bee who was getting less and less followers everyday. And still cries her self to sleep because Ben broke up with her.

Chad who is still running after Audrey is no longer Co-Captain of tourney with Ben. (Because Ben's Co-captains with Jafar's son.)

Lonnie is trying to exclude herself from Audrey and be with the Vk's. (She's struggling because she's roommates with Audrey still)

My little dolls are gone but I need to get them back together. I don't know how but I will. And when I do I will torture them till graduation day. Because under my house their under my rules. They will all pay!

Those Ak's who thought that they were free are under my grasp. Their mine! And when they look back they'll be glad I was here.

The Vk's need to watch themselves. If they thought that their last force to wreck with was under that barrier their wrong. I will have my stories and I will get my exposures.

Recently my content has been a bit low. And thats when the Vk's come in. Who knows maybe I'll find a scandal or two. Maybe I'll find heartbreak or betrayal. Maybe I'll have my biggest story yet. And when I do it'll be groundbreaking.

So much time and days left in the new semester who knows maybe an old face could come back or I'll make stuff up for a counter break of stories.

Who knows but until then.

Be good Auradon.... someone's watching.


Guess who's back (back), back again (gain), shadys back (back) tell a friend (friend).
Guess who's back (back). Guess who's back (back). Guess who's back (back)

Sorry for that really long and boring rendition of me singing Eminem. But ayyye guess who's finally decided to upload again? Me! After a realllllyyy long hiatus. And break from reading tons of really good books from all of you guys. I became more interested in reading then writing. But after an idea came to mind and just knew wanted to write it. So this is my new story School of Secrets. It takes places right after the very first movie and is kind of a fill in from this time to Descendants 2. So Auradon has itself a rip-off gossip girl/-A. And he or she is ready to expose everyone. I've had this idea for quite sometime but it was finally time for me to upload again. And I'm so happy to be back! I hope you guys enjoy this! And I hope I keep myself in track to keep on writing! Also it's almost 2020 and I don't know where you guys are from. But I wish all of you A Happy New Year! I pray you all had an amazing year!

For our fallen angel Cameron. 1999-2019
R.I.P our forever boy🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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