Rockstar ~ A Because They Can Fan Fiction

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Kirsten slammed the front door of her boyfriends house, running to her car as fast as she could. Tears streaked down her face, her mascara leaving big blotches of black on her eyes.

"C'mon Kristen. I didn't mean it!" Zach her now ex boyfriend tried to explain.

"Explain sleeping with her, I wanted to be your girl, not one of your girls. It's over!" Kristen said getting in her red Mini cooper.

She slammed the door shut and chucked the car into reverse. As she went to pull out the car's bumper came into impact with something. Kristen stopped the car and got out angrily. She stomped to the back to see how much damage she had caused. A guy on a motor bike laid limp across the road and Kristen bit her lip. She pushed the body to see if it was responsive. No sign of movement. Kristen ran her hand through her hair and raced back to Zach's door.

"Zach! I've run over somebody what should I do?" She called.

"Go away Kristen. I don't want you anymore!" Zach called back.

Kristen kicked his door with her mothers stilettos and then ran back to the motor bike dude. He was still unresponsive. Kristen cried and then sat next to him. Then Kristen remembered that nobody would have called an ambulance. She went back to the car, retrieved her phone and called triple zero.

"Triple Zero, what do you request?" the lady asked.

"Ambulance. I reversed into a motor bike rider and they're unconscious," Kristen spoke.


Kristen told the lady and within three minutes an ambulance arrived.

Kristen followed the Ambulance back to the hospital, she couldn't just leave the poor person she ran over. As she was waiting in the waiting room three guys came over and eyed her off.

"So you're the chick that ran over Jed?" A blonde headed guy said.

"Yes and I'm so sorry. I will pay for his medical bills and everything." Kristen said.

"Hey, I remember you. You played in the band with James and I in primary school." the guy with the comb over said.

"I never played in a band and I'm sorry but I don't remember you," Kristen apologised.

"Yes! She was your bass buddy Ed! You two use to play bass!" James mentioned.

Kristen face palmed. Her parents made her play in that band because she  was a little shit and getting in that band was supposed to make her appreciate things better.

"Hate to break it to you but I haven't picked up the bass since I smashed it."

"You owe us," Ed said.

"No I don't."

"You ran over our bassist and we're playing a show. You're going to fill in for him." He continued.

Kristen threw her hands up in the air and stood up. Her necklace and bangles clinking against each other.

"I can't play bass. I'm not going to." She refused.

"You don't have a choice," James winked.

They pulled Kristen along to their car and told her to strap up. They drove to the venue and handed her the bass guitar. They showed her the sheet music and then they pushed her on stage with them.

"Guys. My makeup?" Kristen said turning back off the stage.

"Oh no you don't." Ed said pushing her back. The lights came up and Kristen held the bass guitar in her hand. She got the nod from Ed to start playing and so she tried to read the sheet music. Slowly it all came back to her and she started to play along. The music she had been given was so simple. After the second song Kristen chucked her pick to the crowd and got another one. That's what the other two were doing. Once the gig was over Kristen exited the stage and picked up her bag. She wiped the sweat of her brow and made her way to the door.

"Can't go yet princess" James said.

"Why not?" Kristen asked.

"Your funeral." James nodded.

Kristen pushed the doors open and fans swooped her.

"What the fuck?" she asked herself.

"Sign this please?"

"Can I get a photo?"

"Where's Jed?"

"You're awesome!"

Fans squealed in her direction.

"Guys. I'm not with Who ever those guys were. Pretend I was never here." Kristen said backing up slowly.

"Denial! She must have been banging one of the boys!" A fan shrieked.

"No!" Kristen yelled back.

"Is that a hickey on your neck?" Fans taunted.

"Alright, leave the girl alone. If you must know she ran over Jed and -"

"You're such a slut!" a fan yelled.

"And!" Eddie stated, "She was a friend from primary school, so she kindly offered to step in and play for Jed."

Kristen rolled her eyes and walked down the road. She hailed the next taxi and her taxi got swabbed by fans.

"What the? Miss, who are you?" The Indian taxi driver asked.

"Run them over, I'll pay for the damages." Kristen said applying lip gloss.

"I'm sorry miss, you have to get out. I can't take you. Too dangerous." He told Kirsten.

Kirsten got out and slammed the taxi door shut, just to prove her point. She got mobbed by fans again and looked towards the other guys, wondering when they could leave. She pushed through the crowd and stopped at Ed.

"Hey bass buddy," Kirsten acted cheerful.

"Kirsten, what do you want?" He asked.

"Um, when are we leaving. My parents are expecting me somewhere in ten minutes?" She lied.

Ed looked straight through her eyes and it pierced her soul directly. Kirsten kinda regretted asking when they were leaving.

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