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Kirsten and Jaz stopped at the local pub to grab some lunch. Kirsten sat with her arm on the table looking out around the room.

"Kirst, who were those guys?" Jaz asked, flipping her perfect blonde hair behind her back.

"I need your help." Kirsten replied.

"Shit, you asking for help? What is the fucking world coming to?" Jaz snorted.

Kirsten scrunched her nose up at Jaz's comment. She rolled her eyes and took in a deep breath.

"I'm fucking serious, like serious as in I could go to jail or lose my licence." Kirsten explained.

"Just buy who ever is annoying you off." Jaz replied.

Kirsten slammed her fist on the table making Jaz jump. People around her looked towards her and Jaz wondering what the big bang was.

"It's not as simple as that."

Jaz took off her sunglasses and placed them on the table, Kirsten looked straight into her emerald eyes, closing the distance so nobody would hear what she would say.

"Those guys, they're apart of it. I ran over their Bassist and turns out I went to primary school with them so for them not to prosecute me, I have to tour with them." Kirsten told her.

"Ed! You're late!" Somebody shouted behind them.

"We're going!" Kirsten yelled at Jaz.

"No. Why?"

Kirsten got up but Jaz pulled her back down.

"Kirsten, show some balls. Don't let them push you around. You are manipulative. Just get Zach to threaten them." Jaz suggested.

Kirsten threw her hands to her face, pulling off her sunglasses and started to cry into her hands. Jaz got up and comforted her, her hand running up and down Kirsten's back.

"I saw him sleeping with another girl last night." Kirsten babbled through her tears.

"Who was that slut?" Jaz asked.

"I don't know, it was hard to tell." Kirsten whispered.

Kirsten got out a tissue from her clutch and then a waiter came over.

"Are you guys ready to order?"

Kirsten recognised the voice. She'd only been with him less than half an hour ago. It was Eddie.

"Um just a soda water and a serving of garden salad." Kirsten replied not looking up.

"Kirsten?" Ed asked.

"Yeah. Shit no! Who?" She replied looking down.

"Alright, what can I get you then?" Ed said motioning towards Jaz.

"Same as her." Jaz replied.

Kirsten felt the wind of Ed to past her and then she decided it would be a good time to look up.

"He looks easy to buy off." Jaz told Kirsten.

"You buy him off then." Kirsten hissed.

"Wait he was one of the guys right?" Jaz wondered.

In reply Kirsten nodded quickly. She didn't want the whole lunch date to end up just talking about her problems. Who was she kidding? Of course she needed to.

"So this tour, does that require leaving the state?" Jaz wondered.

"I don't fucking know. What the fuck am I meant to tell my parents? Oh fuck dad, I almost killed a motor cyclist and I can't fucking buy them off with your money!?" Kirsten yelled.

"Woah. You are in a fucked situation aren't you?"

"No shit Sherlock."

Kirsten and Jaz's lunch came out and Ed served them.

"Thank's Ed," Kirsten said without even realising.

"So it is Kirsten." He replied.

"Ed just go, I'll see you at Band practice."

Jaz laughed and clapped her hands with a sarcastic tone. She was getting a kick out of Kirsten's situation.

"Band Prac!?" Jaz laughed.

"Jaz I will personally mark your shoes and you really don't want to get me started again." Kirsten threatened.

"Don't you fucking dare. I just bought them yesterday."

"Watch me!" Kirsten replied.

Jaz went to move but Kirsten's foot was quicker, she marked her best friends shoes, leaving a brown stain on the side.

"Fuck you Kirsten!" Jaz said.

"Don't make fun of my situation and maybe next time I will spare them!" Kirsten threatened.

Jaz was sulking over her shoes and Kirsten was eating her lunch. Once they had finished Kirsten paid for the lunch and they went back to Kirsten's house. Kirsten was pulled by the arm by her father into his office.

"What's this? Did you overdose?!" Her dad asked her pointing to his credit card bill with a hospital visit.

"No! I ran over a motor cyclist last night and I felt horrible so I paid for his bill!" Kirsten shrieked.

"Kirsten! You didn't do that to pay him off did you? Were you drinking?" Her dad asked.

"No! I found my boyfriend sleeping with another girl so I slammed my car in reverse not looking and Jed was on his motor bike and I ran him over and now I'm playing bass for his band!"

Kirsten's Dad looked at her and smiled. Kirsten just remembered that she blurted out everything and anger started to pulse through her veins.

"Oh honey! I'm glad you're growing up. Congratulations!" He gave her a hug.

Kirsten needed alcohol and fast. Her father excused her and Jaz was in the kitchen. Kirsten went to the fridge and got out a 4 pack of vodka cruisers and went up to her room. Jaz followed and she sat down on her bed.

"I need to drink. I need to be as trashy as I can so they'll have to kick me off tour! That's the out situation. Trashy and slutty!" Kirsten told Jaz.

"Sleep with random guys as well back at the hotel. Try not to get aids!" Jaz agreed.

"I'm drinking to that!" Kirsten raised her glass.

Jaz clinked her glass and both the girls fell back on the bed laughing.

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