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Roger had liked Frankie since he first met her - they had the same sense of humour, taste in music, and they just clicked together.

And, eventually, Roger developed feelings for her. However, she didn't see him like that, so he kept it to himself as he didn't want to ruin their friendship.

He'd rather be just friends with her than risk not being anything by making a move on her.

And that's how it had been for years now.

Freddie knew he liked her - Roger didn't hide it super well. Freddie didn't dare to say anything to or in front of Frankie though. He knew Roger would kill him if he did.

He'd still try and hype him up to flirt with her, especially after their shows since he'd be filled with adrenaline and confidence.

He never did though. And even if he did, he'd be so subtle about it that Frankie would never pick up on it.

Roger didn't mind too much though. Yeah, it sucked that he was head over heels for someone who just saw him as a friend, but it could be worse; she could be dating someone else.

Well, it was not long after a Queen pub show and Roger was about to find out that the 'something worse' scenario, felt a lot worse than he'd anticipated.


"Thank you! And goodnight!" Freddie exclaimed into the mic before taking one last bow and walking off the small stage with the rest of the band.

Hugs and congratulations were being passed between the boys as they made their way over to the bar to get themselves some drinks to cool off.

"Any of you see Frankie going ham in the audience?" Freddie asked the boys.

She hadn't been that wild, but he wanted to let Roger know she was there without being too obvious. Give him a heads up.

And Roger understood it, giving Freddie a small nod in response while taking a sip of his beer to try and hide the smile on his face.

Freddie had been with Roger all day up until they went on stage, trying to convince him to finally make a move on Frankie.

And he wasn't sure how he did it, but Roger agreed with it.

"Rog, how long have you liked her?" Freddie had asked him as they drove to the venue that night. "Hell, I'd say you're in love with her at this point."

"Doesn't matter, Fred. I'm not trying anything," Roger replied, not taking his eyes off the road.

"What's the absolute worst that could happen?" Freddie thought aloud. "She doesn't like you in that way. Big deal."

"More like big deal!" Roger exclaimed, stressing the last two words. "How could we be friends after that? No way, Freddie. Too risky."

"You know she has friends that have done that? Told her they like her?" Freddie said.


Freddie nodded. "She was surprised, of course. And felt bad that she didn't see them the same way. But nothing was ever weird between them. I really think you should try, Rog."

"I don't know, Freddie."

The pair had went back and forth until finally, Roger was convinced. He'd ask her out right after the show. He'd still be full of energy and adrenaline, so he'd be less nervous.

He and Freddie had planned the whole thing out;

Roger and her would go outside for a smoke like they always did after a show and he'd ask her then. So it would be just the two of them. And he'd keep it light hearted, to avoid any awkwardness.

He wasn't entirely sure how he was going to word it, or where he'd ask her out to if she said yes, but he was excited for it.

Excited and nervous. Very nervous.

The boys had just gotten home from their first American tour and were playing the pub as just something fun for friends and other people in the area to come see.

It was going to be Roger's first time seeing Frankie since they'd left for tour a few months prior.

He and John had been talking about the show when Roger saw Frankie pushing her way through the crowd towards them.

Roger gave her a smile and a small wave when he saw her, which she instantly reciprocated, picking up her pace towards the boys and giving them each a hug.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed. "I've missed you guys so much! You sounded amazing! How was America? What are-"

"Frankie, breathe a little, eh?" Brian joked, earning an eye roll from her.

Roger stayed quiet as each of the guys talked to her and gave her a welcoming hug. Even though he felt confident, he couldn't help but get nervous around her.

"You okay, Rog?" She joked once she was stood next to him. "You're acting like you don't know who I am! American girls make you forget me?"

"Never," he laughed as he gave her a hug. "How've you been? Must be boring here without us."

"Oh, you bet it is," she laughed, stepping back to look up at him. "I'm so excited you guys are back! I've missed you."

"Good because we've missed you," he replied. "You wanna go out for a smoke?"

"Of course, it's tradition!" She smiled. "Lemme just tell George."

"George?" He asked and her eyes bugged out immediately.

"Oh, you guys haven't met him yet, I forgot!" She exclaimed before walking a little bit away, returning with another guy a little bit taller than Roger.

And Roger already knew what was happening before she said.

"George, these are my friends Freddie, Brian, John and Roger," Frankie introduced. "Boys, this is George, my boyfriend."

A/N: welcome to my new fic lol. I know this chapter is kinda short but I already have other chapters written so I figured I'd publish it (also my friend was yelling at my to publish so)

Hope you enjoy:)

I don't remember writing this - an unfinished roger Taylor ficWhere stories live. Discover now