chapter 5

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(pitch blacks P.O.V)
the girl (y/n) had given me enough power to escape my prison.I decided to look for (y/n) and thank her for setting me free. soon enough I found her.she was dreaming.How did I know because I could see that stupied SANDMANS GOLDEN SAND ABOVE MY (Y/N) HEAD!!!!!!!Incomplet rage i suwng my hand and slaped it away from her.she woke up looked at me then fell off her  bed in shock."OW"she yelled in pain.i chuckeled."oh shut up!!!!!!!!" was her reply."sorry to startle you but i had to thank you for seting me free".

(your P.O.V)
who the hell is this guy and what does he mean by"set free"wait a minunte-then it hit me it was the guy that was under the bed.
(y/n)"your the guy that lives under that worn out bed".
(pitch)"yes that would be me"

yeah i have no idea what else to write so goodbye my little nightmares~

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