~Accidental Meeting~

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Boyoung's POV

*RiNg rInG RiNg*
my alarm clock goes off
I shoot up with my messy hair and eye bags and stare at my clock for a few seconds. I sigh "another day at jail great"

I get up and walk over to the bathroom and do my hair and makeup, I then walk back into my room and put on my outfit

I walk downstairs and see my sister "morning Boo" she says with a smile on her face "morning Jaehwa unnie" I say with no emotion

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I walk downstairs and see my sister "morning Boo" she says with a smile on her face "morning Jaehwa unnie" I say with no emotion. "What's wrong?" She asks with worry in her voice "nothing I just don't want to go to school" I say sighing

She looks at me and rolls her eyes while smiling "it will be over before you know it" she says while chuckling "it feels like I've NOT been in school" I say as she hands me my breakfast "well after it's over I'm sure you're going to miss it"

I scoff "yeah right" then the doorbell rings *RiNg rInG*
Jaehwa's face lights up and sprits to the door, I watch her as she sprints "Mark!" She yells, I sigh and start to eat my breakfast

She lets mark inside and he comes and slaps my back "good morning Boo" he says "morning" I say with a fake smile he turns to Jaehwa "what's her problem?" He asks "she's in a bad mood today," she says rolling her eyes

He shrugs "you know Boo where did you get your nickname from again?"
Mark asks "Jaehwa have it to me when I was 2 because she liked the movie Monsters Inc" he laughs "that's adorable" he then kisses Jaehwa

"Well I have to go to work Boo," she says "okay" "do you have a ride to school?" She asks "no I can just walk" I reply "But it's winter you're going to catch a cold?!" She yells "I'll be fine," I say

"Fine, let's go mark!" She says smiling
"Bye Boo!!" She runs away waving holding marks hand I chuckle, I then pick up my phone and look at the time
" I still have an hour before school starts, and if I take a bus then I can get there in 45 minutes if I leave now" I smirk and grab my stuff and lock up the house

"Fine, let's go mark!" She says smiling "Bye Boo!!" She runs away waving holding marks hand I chuckle, I then pick up my phone and look at the time" I still have an hour before school starts, and if I take a bus then I can get there in 45 minutes ...

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As I walk outside I put my earbuds in and start listening to "Instagram" by dean, I close my eyes and breathe in the fresh winter and then

I bump into someone and fall I then look up and there's a boy with blonde hair on the ground "oh I-I'm so sorry" I said stuttering "he looks and me and smiles, I awkwardly smile back

He then gets up and holds out his hand in front of me "need help?" I take his hand and stand up, I then realize he's a fucking giant, I look up at him and he looks down at me and chuckles
"I'm jisung"

Little did I know that those words would change my life forever...

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