Missing mommy and tantrum

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Mia:*sitting in my room and just thinking about my mommy makes me sad cuz she died last month and it makes me cry alot*

Sam:hey kian

Kian:hey bro

Sam:have u seen Mia at all today?

Kian:no I think she's still in her room.

Sam: *feeling concernd *this ain't like her ill be right back I'm going to go check on her.

Mia:*hears foot steps come up stairs and Quickly wipes her tears away*

Sam:*opens the door* hey Mia are u okay. *asks with concern in his voice*

Mia:y-yea I-I'm f-fine

Sam:no ur not cuz u stutter when u lie

Mia: I -I-I m-miss m-m-m-mommy *she crys*

Sam:*wraps her in his arms *

Mia:*crys in his shoulder*

Sam:hey hey shhhhhhh shhhhhh princess I miss mom to but you know she's looking down at us right now right.

Mia:*looks up and nods and goes back to crying*

Sam:hey you wanna go to the store with us.

Mia:yea sure.

Sam:*gets up and carries her downstairs and takes her too the car and buckles her in to her booster seat and drives to the store*

(I the store with kian Sam and Mia)

Sam:*gives Mia to kian*

*sam gets evry thing he need for the house*

Mia: Sammy can I have that*points to the stuffed bunny*


Mia:but Sammy

Sam:no buts Mia *says Sternley*

Mia:BUT I WANT IT*she screams and starts to cry*

Sam:kian can u take her to the car.

Kian:sure *starts to take Mia out of the bugie but when he dose he gets kicked in the place were the sun doesn't shine*

Mia:*runs out of the store and when she is almost to the car she feels to pare of arms wrap around her and it was kian*

Kian:your so introuble little girl


Sam:*comes out to the car takes Mia from kian land 2 swats to her bottom and buckles her up in her booster seat*


(At home)

Sam:kian can u get the rest of the bags.


Sam:* picks up Mia and takes her inside and puts her in timeout*if u get out you'll get a spanking tonight and more corner time.


(Timer goes off)

Sam:c'mer babygirl

Mia:*walks over to Sam still crying*

Sam:hey ur for given okay no need to cry *picks her up and holds her close*

Mia:*keeps on saying sry and crys in the crook of her neck*

Sam:hey u wanna watch a movie.

Mia:*nods inf the crook of his neck *

Sam:what movie do u want.

Mia:toy story 3

*sam puts in the movie and the just watch movies for the rest of the night*

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