Chapter 1

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Kneeling in front of their leader, the Alpha's bowed their heads, awaiting their next command. Their leader stood up from his office chair, grabbed the small glass of whiskey, and walked to his oversized window, looking over the night stricken fields of grass. He took a sip of the alcoholic drink, "Do you know why I asked for you boys?" He asked. 

The Alpha's stayed silent. 

"I trust you the most out of everyone else. I believe you are capable for this task."  He turned and sat back in his office chair, and put his drink on his desk, next to a file named, "Izuku Midoriya."

"Shouto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugou, both Alpha's, age 20 and 21, amazing in all your training and even put yourself to second in command, I am assigning you a mission of retrieving an omegan Lighthound by the name of Izuku Midoriya." He snapped his middle finger and thumb together. At the snap, the Alpha's stood, arms tightly folded behind their back. "He is 15 now, so I believe it will be more of a difficult task. 

"Befriend the boy and take him without his notice... When he has his heat is a good time to strike, that is when he is most vulnerable and ready to trust anything you say. But don't screw up and take his virginity, we will decide what to do with him in that state." The leader handed out the folder. Todoroki stood forward and took it, glancing inside of it for a few seconds. 

The file contained his birthday, age, what school he goes to, his home address, and a picture of him. Todoroki stared at the picture for a moment, absolutely awestruck at how cute the boy was. He shook himself of his trance and nodded, followed by another nod from the hotheaded blonde next to him.

"You are dismissed. In the morning you are to approach Izuku in a friendly manner. Do not scare the Lighthound off, and do not ,and I repeat Do Not tell him he is a Lighthound before you kidnap him, if he doesn't know that is..." The leader used his Alpha voice on those two words, this meant he was very serious. The two Alpha's flinched at the command. A heartbeat later they both left their leader's office. 

Once the big doors were shut, Bakugou let out an annoyed sigh and took the folder out of Todoroki's hand.

Flipping through the papers, he chuckled when he looked at Izuku's picture. "Can't believe we let this one go." Todoroki tilted his head to the blonde, "We thought she killed the boy, but we still couldn't let her live if she can give birth to Lighthounds. Let's just hope that he doesn't talk about his mother while we are with him. Wouldn't want to grow a soft spot for him." Bakugou just nodded, then handed back to the folder. "Tomorrow morning we pack our shit in the car, and get into some "friendly manner" clothes." Todoroki nodded, but once Bakugou left, he couldn't help but feel a large pit in his stomach.


After feeling the warm rays of sunlight on his face, Izuku shot up, ready for the day. Sliding out of bed, he smiled as he made his way to his closet. He fussed through his hung out clothes and finally found his school uniform. He took off his lime green pj's and swiftly put on his uniform. He then grabbed his red shoes and put them on. 

He left his room and was met by a hallway that had a coffee table on the right side. On the table was a picture of the Ochako family, his new family. He smiled, but felt a pang of sadness. He was an Omega, his mother had died from an illness, that's what they said to him as a child. He never knew his father, but he loathed him for betraying his mother. 

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