Happy New Year

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Dedicated to @ringdiggidingdiggi because she doesn't ship this.

"I have something exciting to tell you," Key said, throwing his arms dramatically around his best friend from behind.

Minho smiled back, feeling his heart rate increase and his cheeks flush. Subtle, very subtle, Minho, he thought.

"You know that tradition, where you meet your true love at midnight on the bridge, on New Year's Eve?" Key whispered in Minho's ear.

"You've talked of nothing else for two weeks, continue."

"Well..." Key's hand gently smoothed Minho's collar down, "I've been dropping hints for a while, so I think the thing's in the bag."

Minho felt a rush all over his body. Was...was Key hinting that he, that Minho, should ask him out?

Key scrunched up his face and went to get his coat. "I'm off to work now, see you this evening."

The younger boy was left in his chair, staring at the door. He stroked his own blushing cheek to calm himself down.

Minho hadn't always been like this. He had once been really good friends with Key, so much that they bought a flat together. They'd been normal and relaxed, playing with each other cutely without Minho reading too deep into it.

He wasn't even sure when it started, but at some point he began fancying Key. Maybe it was some weird dream in the night, or maybe he'd been thinking about who he would date if he was a girl.

Soon, it had spiralled into a mad passion. Minho mostly kept it under control, but his daydreams were getting more serious.

Minho sighed and turned back to his work. He was a columnist for a famous magazine, and therefore got to work at home.

What did he even do without Key? He twiddled his thumbs before typing something on his screen.
Why I love Key.

Ten reasons. He was going to have trouble narrowing it down.


Key was waiting on the middle of the bridge, dressed in a long coat and bobble hat. Jonghyun liked cute boys, he'd worked out, and tried his hardest.

He turned to look at the river. It wasn't iced over, which would be romantic, but it was dark and mysterious.

Key heard the snow crunch next to him and realised Jonghyun must have arrived. Getting a crush on your coworker was awkward, but also a beautiful feeling for Key.

Key felt his cheek be stroked, before he was pulled into a soft kiss.
Why is he taller than me?

Key wondered as he stretched up to deepen the kiss. He suddenly realised it wasn't Jonghyun.

"Minho!" he shouted, aghast. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve and glared at his friend. "You're not my true love!"

"Who were you waiting for, then?" Minho asked. His face was getting red again.

"Kim Jonghyun, who I work with!" Key said, still slightly incredulous.

"Not...not me?" Minho felt like a fool.


Minho felt like screaming. He felt like ripping out all of his hair.

He stood beside Key calmly.

Twenty cold minutes passed. No Jonghyun, but there were certainly many other couples kissing on the bridge.

Midnight turned into half past, which turned into one.

"He's not coming," Minho said.

Key picked up a handful of gravel and threw it into the water below them. "Shut up, Minho!"

They saw, on the other side of the bridge, a pair of boys walk to the centre, holding hands. One was short and the other was young-faced and smiley.

Jonghyun and Key's friend Taemin.

Jonghyun whispered something in Taemin's ear and kissed him.

Key suddenly pushed Minho in the chest and ran away. The snow was still falling on his face irritatingly.

He sprinted to the river bank and flung his right shoe over the edge. It fell into the water with an enormous splash.

Strong arms, Minho's arms, wrapped around his waist and he was prevented from doing anything else stupid.

Minho held Key for a long moment, then hauled his up, holding him like a princess. Key's legs dangled over one of the young boy's arms, his head resting on another.

"Minho, what are you doing?" Key said, torn between anger, sadness and sleep. He was in deep despair.

"I'm taking you home," Minho said between gritted teeth. His face softened when he saw Key shiver. "You need rest and not to lose another shoe."

Key rested his head against his friend's chest as he was carried home.

They got given a few funny looks on the way, but Minho just glared at them.

When he laid Key in his bed, he made to leave, but Key caught his jumper. "Don't leave me," he whimpered.

Minho sat on the bed and gently started untying Key's shoes. He softly tugged the socks off too. It was the closest they'd ever really been.


Key opened his eyes sleepily to find himself looking at a sleepy Minho. He was confused until the memories of night before came flooding back.

"I'm gonna kill Taemin," he muttered.

Minho looked at him. "Don't kill him," he said.

"I didn't know you were awake," Key whispered softly.

"About...about last night," Minho asked, "are we s-still friends, then?"

Key laid his head on Minho's chest. "Because you kissed me? No, I get it." He felt Minho's large hands through his hair. "You were jealous because I was going to get a boyfriend on New Year's Eve, and you wouldn't."

"Not exactly, but I'll tell you later."

Key laughed hollowly. "I've got a broken heart, I need to hear a story."

"Happy New Year," Minho interrupted.

Key propped himself up on one elbow. "Tell me," he insisted, poking the younger boy in the stomach.

Minho sat up and pushed Key into the bed. "Are you over Jonghyun?"

"Oh my, you're in love with me?" Key exclaimed.

"I didn't say--"

Key up and pulled Minho down for a kiss. "I was worried it was jealousy or something," he said when they pulled apart.

"But you're meant to be in love with Jonghyun."

Key pouted. "But I've realised," he said, pulling Minho down again by his collar, "you're actually nice to me."

"You think that's important, then, niceness?" Minho laughed, positioning his hands either side of Key's head and leaning in to brush his lips against the older boy's. "Am I not sexy?"

"Very sexy," Key whispered. "and I'm very over Jonghyun."

Happy New Year (MinKey)Where stories live. Discover now