ch 16

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Hads pov)

It was winter and me rem and fen are getting ready to get home for the holidays. And we we are in a compartment i had my head on fens lap while he was reading a book. And my legs are on fens lap i was geting bored. So i put a locking/silencing charm on the door i lifted myself up and got up fen looked at me and rem put his book down i grab fens hand and. Push him into rem im going to give u 2 a show i slowly started to strip when i Shaw there hardons in the pants i started to grab onto them i heard rem and fen growl at me so i get to rem and pull his underware and pants down together then i went to fen and done the same to him so i go back to rem striping as i get to him and push my ass to his 12inch dick and push myself down onto his cock i get used to it then i grab fen and make him come behind me andi shake my ass towards him with rems in my ass and he pushes himself in and i feel full with a rems 12inc cock and fens 14in cock rubbing my insides rem mutters a spell(so had dosnt get prego)

And once done. 
We made it to the station amd we headed back home to malfoy manner for holidays

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