Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Harry's P.O.V

I woke up this morning with a shock, the article from the Daily Prophet chilled me to my very core.

Not a pureblood?

Guess what I just found out dear readers Draco Malfoy the Malfoy heir is actually a half-blood , I know shocking. I found this shocking news out when I stumbled across young Draco in Gringotts getting an inheritance test. Naturally I thought why would he need an inheritance test? He later came out holding a sheet looking very white I managed to get a peek and I saw that he is actually Draco Evans. Yes it turns out that the Evans family, parents of Lily Potter nee Evans had two other children a muggle girl and a wizard boy who had an affair with Narcissa Malfoy nee Black. Lucius Malfoy must have believed that Draco was his son but has no doubt turned his son out of his house ,after all this is a scandal. Let you know when I find out more.

By Rita Skeeter

I was shocked Draco's my cousin I was a rival with my own cousin.I thought my only relatives were Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and Dudley and Sirius even though he's on the run . Turns out I have another cousin and maybe another uncle. I have to talk to Draco.

XXXon the train to HogwartsXXX

I was waiting on the train trying to spot that familiar blond hair when I saw it. I crept quietly over to him desperate not to draw attention to us. "Hey can we talk? "I asked. He nodded and followed me to a compartment right at the back of the train. "Hey. "Draco said he sounded so worried my heart turned over. "Draco don't sound so worried we are family after all I want to be friends." Draco looked up and I realised his eyes were green like mine. "R-really? You want to be friends with me? I was horrible to you."He said looking ashamed. "I forgive you." I said nonchalantly . He still looked shocked so I walked over a hugged him.He stiffened at first then hugged me back. I smiled. "I kinda need to tell you something."I said. I discovered something this summer Voldermort has horcruxes and I have one in my scar if I return all his horcruxes. He'll turn back into Tom Riddle and become sane again. Once I told Draco all this I asked him a fatal question. "Will you take me to see Voldermort ?" Draco looked shocked at my question but nodded while saying "I'm going to regret this..."Under his breath. I smiled and shook my head. We talked lightheartedly for the rest of the train ride.

I waved goodbye to Draco ,as he was going in before the first years for his resort considering his name change, as I ran over to my friends.

"Harry! Hey mate did you hear Malfoy's not a pureblood he's a halfie like you."

I smiled at Ron he's an idiot but he is my best friend. "Ok Ron first of all Draco's second name is Evans now.And he is my Cousin ."

"Ohhh Yeah." Ron said , I laughed and rode up to the castle with him. When we sat down Mcgonagol said. "Now before we sort the first years , we have a resort Draco Evans." Draco walked up looking nervous. The hat was quiet for a moment before shouting out. "Griffindor!" The whole hall was silent , Draco walked to our table and sat next to me. It was then that I noticed that the whole griffindor table other than me and Ron was glaring at him, like even Hermione that bitch.

I looked over at Draco he looked nervous at the amount of glares sent his way. I gripped his hand tightly ignoring anyone who looked at us , Draco smiled at me and started eating. When we went up to the common room Draco smiled as he said. "This is nicer than the Slytherin common room, much warmer too."Most of them ignored him but Hermione looked over a glare on her face. ' I hope to Merlin that she doesn't start anything' I thought as I saw her walking over. "Alright Malfoy..." I coughed deliberately interrupting her. "*coughcough* Evans*coughcough*" But she just glared .

"I don't believe for one second you belong in Griffindor, and your defiantly not welcome here." She said. "Oh yeah" I said "Well he's my cousin and I say he's welcome, now it's been a long day and I would like to go to bed without having to deal with know-it-alls who think they own the place." I said then walked up stairs Draco and Ron in tow. That's when I noticed there was an extra bed between mine and Rons. "Hey Harry you alright ?" Draco asked sitting on his bed. I nodded and sighed. "Yeah I just hoped people would accept you but I guess not.Lets go to sleep." Both boys nodded and we got changed ready for bed.

End chapter 1

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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