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I couldn't do it. I wouldn't make myself. I just wanted to be free. all the people I killed. they were all innocent. weird thing is, it felt so right, so good but so bad at the same time. so much hatred inside. barely any love. maybe no love at all. All I ever do is kill getting revenge for my life. my life was never good.i burnt down my village and have no house. but I don't need one when everyone is afraid of me. even the mobs. notch was surprised to see a fallen angel. I didn't care. I was, I mean I am iNsAnE.

~~end dream (I know it was kinda cheesy)~~

I woke up immediately with sweat on my fore head. "its just a dream" I told myself. I won't hurt anyone. I know I can't be iNsAnE.

What I didn't know was that I was wrong.
Hey there my piggehs! I'm not dead! I have just been busy at school and ya sorry.

Fallen Angel (bullied by Team Crafted)Where stories live. Discover now