Chapter 5

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              Sebastian and I have been meeting for coffee every two or three days for the past two months. And on most of these occasions, he would bring me a bouquet or something else. As much as I hated to admit it, Y/B/F/N was right: Sebastian was starting to get under my skin in a very good way. But he was still far really getting past my walls. I still hadn't told him about Ben or when I got pregnant with him.

            I was entering Starbucks when I saw that Sebastian was already there. He was seated at our usual table, but he was chatting to one of the baristas... quite warmly, I might add. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. I made my way to the table and bend myself to kiss Sebastian on the cheek to show the barista he was with me. Sebastian wrapped an arm around me and pulled me down beside him. I looked up at the barista with a victory smile plastered on my face. She got the message and left us alone.

"What was that about, Ms. Y/L/N? Were you jealous?"

"Jealous? I... I... I just kissed your cheek. What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing... but the way you looked at her made me think you were kinda jealous that she was around me. Y/N/N, are you jealous?"

"I... okay, I was a little jealous. I don't know why. Stop bugging me about it, Stan."

"Okay, Y/L/N.", Sebastian chuckled, "I'll stop."

              I couldn't help but smile at him. I put my hands on the table and got up.

"I'm getting us our drinks. It's on me this time. No discussion. So what do you want, Stan?"

"Caramel macchiato. Thanks."

           Fifteen minutes later, I was back at the table with our drinks. We were half-way through our drinks when Sebastian extended both his hands on the table. I couldn't help but automatically do the same thing.

"Y/N/N... I need to ask you something."

"Yeah... is everything ok? Are you in trouble?"

"No... I just need to ask you something personal."

"Of course. Shoot."

"I... I... I wanna take you out."

"Take me out?"

"Yes. Real date. Something serious."

"A date?!? Me?!? You want to take me out on a date?!?", I said pulling my hands away.


"No, no, no, no, no. You can't be serious. Why would you want to go with me? I'm a 25 year old cop and a mo- I'm definitely not your type. This has gotta to be some kind of joke."

"Joke? Why on earth would I be messing around with you? We've known each other for two months and-"

"Two months. No big deal."

"I mean it, Y/N/N. I'm serious. I wanna go out with you without us being tied up to a watch. I want to enjoy time with you. I really do. Is it so hard to believe me?"

"Yes, it is. With all the shit I've seen and been through, I tend to not believe a guy when he says he wants to go out with me."

"What can I do to prove it to you that I mean it? I'll do whatever you want. I'll wait as long as you need."

"I... I..."

"Whatever you want, Y/N.", he said getting up.

"That's it? You're just gonna walk away and give me the silence treatment until I agree to go out with you? Seriously? Wow! Unbelievable."

"Y/N/N... that's not what I meant. I really like you. I'm willing to wait as long as you need for me to prove to you I'm genuinely interested in you."


"Goodbye, Y/N/N.", he said leaving.

              As Sebastian left, I couldn't stop the feeling of guilt. The only man who was ever nice to me and now he was walking away. And it was all my fault. I pushed away the one good thing that has happened to me besides Ben. Tears were already falling when I was leaving Starbucks. I couldn't help but cry all my way to work.

"Y/L/N, is everything ok? Why are you crying? What's going on?"

"I messed up... big time. I ruined the one good thing that has ever happened to me besides Ben."

"What? Wait... you mean your guy? Sebastian?"


"What do you mean you blew it?"

"He asked me out on a date, a real date, and I panicked."


"He said he was really interested in me and wanted to know me more and I told him I thought it was BS."


"You know why... I'm scared to death."

"Scared he's gonna hurt you? That man wouldn't hurt a fly. I've seen you guys at Starbucks on my way to work one day. You guys look good together. Give him a chance... he seems genuinely interested."

"How about Ben? How do I tell him about Ben?"

"I'd wait a little. Go out with him a few times and when you finally feel comfortable with him you tell him. But don't hide it from him too long. He deserves to know."

"Okay... what do I do now?"

"Call him!"



"Okay. See you in a bit then."

             I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialed Seb's number.

"Hey, Seb..."


"I... I..."

"What do you want?"

"I just called to apologize. I've been through awful shit, so I find it hard to just believe a guy when he says he's interested in me. I should have known you'd want my best. I was scared you were just too good to be true."

"What happened to you?"

"I can't tell you, Seb. I'm not ready. It will take time."

"I'll wait. I want you to know you can trust me. Whatever this is, I'm here for you."


"Are you free Friday night?"


"The date is still on. I still want to go out with you and get to know you better."

"Really? You still wanna go out with me?"

"Hell yes! It's all I ever wanted."

"I... okay. I'll go out with you."

"Great! See you Friday, Y/N/N."

"See ya. Bye."

              I hung up with a huge smile on my face and headed to my boss.

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