A day full of sadness

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Lisa P.O.V

It's been a month since Jennie didn't go home, She didn't even bother to visit me. "I miss you Jennieyah" I'm in the balcony of our house, looking at the beautiful sunset. "I wish I could watch this beautiful sunset with you, but maybe that will happen when you get back home" I layed down at the mini sofa to enjoy the sunset.

"Why do you suddenly change? You're not the old Jennie that I know.. That I loved... You changed a lot."


Jennie P.O.V

"I need to tell her this as soon as possible, She would bother us if I won't do this" I reached out my phone then texted Lisa

Jennie: Let's meet at our meeting place, exact 5 p.m don't be late or else
Lisa: O-ok


At the Park 

"Why aren't you going home this days? I've been worried, about you tell me what happen? What do you want to tell me?"

"Let's break up"

"W-what?" I noticed that her tears are falling and that makes me weak. 'Wait what am I thinking?!' I mentally said it. "You heard it clearly so don't make me repeat it again" She suddenly kneels and looked down. "But why? What happened? We don't have any problems humm?" She didn't notice that I already leave.

Lisa P.O.V

When I heard the word 'break up', my heart suddenly cracked into million of pieces. I fall into my knees and looked down "But why? What happened? We don't have any problems humm?" When I notice that no one is responding I looked infront of me and the presence of my love one is now gone.

"JENNIE WHY?!?!" I'm crying and I don't realize that it's raining already, I suddenly got confused why does my body is still dry, I looked up and I saw Jungkook holding a black umbrella with his smile on his face.

"Let's go now, I'll bring you home" He smiles and guided me to his car.



Jennie P.O.V

"Do you already broke up with her?" He asked me in a happy tone "Yes I did" While massaging my temple. "Hey why do you look sad? I'm here no need to worry" he sat beside me "I'm sorry Kai I'm just tired, I need to rest now" I headed to the guest room to rest.

@Chaesoo's house

Rosé: Lisayah what happened?
Lisa: Jennie broke up with me *looked down*
Jisoo: Why did she even do that?
Jungkook: I knew she would do that...
Lisa: But how?
Jungkook: Jennie and her boyfriend Kai didn't even broke up, Kai just go abroad to study, Jennie feels lonely that's why she used you for her not to feel lonely, then 4 years ago, Kai came back but Jennie didn't know that, last two years Jennie and Kai had been together again but they don't want to be obvious that's why they keep it a secret..
Rosé: Jennie will regret what she had done to you monkey
Lisa: Chaeng ~~*shake my head* No..
Rosé: B-but-
Jisoo: *sigh* Ok ok let's sleep now.. You two just sleep here, there's two guest rooms there... We'll be heading first *drag Rosé
Lizkook: Ne... Thanks unnie!!


The Next Day

Lisa: Unnie I'll go to office now *while fixing my stuffs*
Jisoo: Are you ok now Lisa? *Worried tone*
Lisa: Yeah I am unnie don't worry *smile weakly*
Rosé: Just take care of yourself monkey..
Lisa: I will don't worry..
Jungkook: Let me drive you Lisa
Lisa: Yeah thanks kookie
Jungkook: It's nothing
Lisa: Unnie we'll get going now, bye!!
Chaesoo: Yeah bye! Take care 😘..

At Lisa's Office
Lisa P.O.V

As I enter my office, I saw a lot of pictures of me and Jennie. I tried not to cry but a tear suddenly fall. "How can I forget you easily? You betrayed on me, You lied on me!" As time passes, I was just sitting on my chair thinking stressfully.

I decided to go home early, When I arrived home I saw someone and it hurts me to see that person. "What are you doing here?" I tried not to cry and tried to be cold. "This is my house to why would you care?" She simply replied "Not anymore Ms. Jennie Kim" As I headed to the kitchen.

"Still my house Manoban!" She shouted for me to hear it, as I notice, someone approach and kiss her on the checks. His tall and with a colored hair. I think it's her boyfriend.

"Just enjoy your night liars" I bitterly told the as I was heading to my room with 13 bottles of soju on my hands, Jennie knows that I might collapsed if I drink soju but why would I care? And I think she doesn't care at all.

Jennie P.O.V

I saw Lisa entered the house, She seems tired and sad. As I saw her going upstairs with 13 bottles of soju on her hand, I hesitate to go to her because Kai was beside me, So I decided to make an excuse. "Uhmm babe I'll just go to my room, I'll get something there" I'm nervous when I told him that "Yeah sure take your time" I feel glad for his answer so I quickly went upstairs to find Lisa.

Lisa P.O.V

I already drank 5 bottles of soju but she doesn't still go up and check me so I just continue drinking until I already finished 3 more bottles. When I'm going to get the bottle, someone opened the door.

"YAHHH!!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!? HUH LALISA MANOBAN?!?!!!" A mad Jennie entered the guest room "Why do you care?" I drunkly reply and I think it made her silent. "Stop this now Lisa" she scolded me "Why do you care? Answer me!" I looked at her painfully.

"You might die Lisa, to might die" she looked down "It's what I want so just let me" get the bottle on her hand, "Are you insane?" She suddenly raised her voice "No I'm not, you know what? Stop acting like you care" I weakly told her "That makes me hard to move on from you" I drink the bottle "Then I'll be always like this for you not to move on" I was thinking if she was lying or not then I remembered Kai. "Stop your lies Jennie"


I'm losing hope again, to continue this story or not ... I'm the one who published 'CHAESOO X JENLISA FANFICTION' here in Wattpad and I lose hope to continue that's why..
Thanks again for reading .... Bye!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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