For all the kids who have a dream

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"It is true that I am scared of my dream. Yes i am very scared.

I dont know if i will be able to pursue with this dream of mine because my main doubt is;

"Am i good enough?" and alot of people with say that you are but does your idol think that?"

That was what i thought last year. Last year i was extremely depressed and i hated myself and this other girl so much i wanted to kill us both. I guess after watching many videos on how to get cured and listening to my dad going on and on about how i'm always going to be great at what i want to be as long as i believe i am what i want to be. A big help with thinking i'm not normal for being Queer, and i know its sounds dumb, was The Greatest Showman because it shows you can be different but beautiful and being a musical freak i decided to work hard to be the greatest actress i can be so im in a panto at the grange theater!

If you have a dream and are scared of loosing your chance of being the best then find an inspiration. Whether its a person, book, movie, song, show or anything, find something to know you have hope to be. 

Its always good to have people to love what you do and love to see you work your wonders and show them your new talents. When you do one thing and they smile and show you affection for what you do and tell you to go on, thats the shit that makes you go on. Thats the things in life you need to find to make you go on eg.

-my dad

-my boyfriend 

-my brother

-my idol

-my mom

-my stepdad

Everyone makes me go on and my old drama teacher gave me a new reason to go on:

for my joy

Do what YOU love NOT other people but if both like it, fantastic! 

If you want personal help, here is my contact info:

Instagram: xx_hollymay_xx


twitter: Levi_Ackerman's_Daughter

Snap: Xx_hollymay_xX

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