Chapter 10

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Rae's POV
"Rae..." i look up to see Jeff in font of my face a light blush covering my cheeks. He was extremely close to me and his hand left hand rested on my cheek. His right is lightly rested on my hip. Our bodies are press up against each others and our breathing is heavy.

"Yes?" I replied barely above a whisper. He still heard it though and smiled a cheeky smile.

"I........." I see his mouth moving but i don't hear what he says.

"What?" Everything gets blurry and dim. Then i wake up. I sit up frantically searching for Jeff. Calming down i lay back on the bed.

"Just a dream," i sigh. I lay there for a few minutes until a heavenly smell leaked into the room. I smiled and ran down the stairs into the kitchen. I was a bit shocked at what i saw before me. A tall bald man that stood over the stove. He turned around probably sensing my presence. My eyes widened just a bit farther at the man. He had no face.

"Who are you?" He asked a bit kinder than i expected.

"I'" i stutter a bit and i hear a light chuckle behind me and whip around. I see a tired looking Jeff. He had a bit of bed head, but i find it adorable. I surprise myself excepting the fact that i found Jeff attractive. It must be the dream i had. My cheeks flare up at the thought of my dream and i turn back around.

"Rae this is Slender. Slender this is Rae she's the girl i told you about."

"Yes i thought that was the case. Hello dear call me Slendy. Would you like some breakfast it's almost finished."

"Oh thank you i would love some." I sit at the table and wait patiently for the food. Jef comes over and sits in the seat next to me. We wait patiently for our plates to come and i slowly start to nod off. My head starts to droop and i snap awake earning a chuckle from Jeff.

Slendy set down a plate in front if me and jeff and my mouth watered. I hadn't realized how hungry i am. I haven't eaten i 2 days i think. I dig in to the delicious eggs while i eye my bacon making sure Jeff doesn't take any. I finish off my eggs and grab the bacon and shove it in my mouth. I take a look at Jeff to see him looking at me with a smirk on his face. I shoot a glare at him and continue eating. I eat the biscuit and banana and down my orange juice.

I sit back a satisfied smile on my lips. I look over at jeff to see him done too. I hop up taking his plate and walking to the sink. I do the small stack of dishes and start to hum a song. I sway my hips to the beat in my head. Jeff laughs at me and i turn to glare at him only to find him closer than expected. I jump a little bit and chuckle at myself. I turn back around finishing the dishes and turning to face Jeff. He smiles down at me and i smile back. We stand there like that for a while longer until Slendy comes in and clears his throat. We both jump and i blush a little, earning a chuckle from Slendy.

"Um...Thanks for the food it was really good." I say kind of shyly. It comes out as just above a whisper, but he seems to have heard it.

"It was no problem at all dear and thank you." I nod and start walking out of the kitchen. The kitchen is connected to the living room so i head there. I walk past a window and see the autumn leaves blowing around.

'I really want to go outside. I wonder if Jeff will let me.'

I look behind me to see Jeff following right behind me. When we enter the living room i see no one is up yet, so i turn to look at Jeff, who looks back down at me.

"Jeffy can we go outside?" I give a big smile hoping i could convince him. He chuckles at the name i gave him and looks ouside. The sun is in the middle of the sky telling me it's most likely noon.

"Sure why not. Got any warm clothes?" I put on my thinking face, trying to remember what i wore when i came. I wore a skirt and a long sleeved white shirt. I shake my head no and look down in disappointment. He sighs and walks up to me pulling my face up to look at him with his finger.

"Lets go see if u can borrow some from Jane. Okay?" I nod and Jeff leads me up the stairs. We walk close to the end of the hall at a black door with scratches all over it. Jeff knocks and theres a girl voice telling us she's coming.

A girl with sleek black hair and a white face with black eyes opens the door. She glares at Jeff and almost lashes out at him until she sees me.

"Hello there. Who's this?" Jane looks me up and down and smiles at me. I guess she was trying to be friendly.

"This is Rae, shes my friend shes staying here for a bit, but doesn't have any clothes and i was wondering if u could lend her something until we go get her clothes.

"Of course. I'm Jane," she sticks her hand out to me and i shake it being kind if shy. "Come in." she leads me insider her room and i look around. It's really simple. A bed, a dresser and a window, nothing too fancy. She leads me to the dresser and pulls out some clothes. She tells me to try them on and when everything is on she looks over at me.

"Perfect. Okay you should be good now. Come see me if u need anything else, k?" I nod and walk out of her room and look for Jeff. I find him sitting on the couch next to a tired looking BEN. He looks over at me and smiles...more.

"Ready?" I nod and he gets up walking to the door. We walk outside and down the steps into the yard surrounded by trees. I smile wide and begin running around. Jeff laughs at me and begins to run after me. I yelp and run away faster so he won't catch me. We run in circles a few times then i make a split second decision and run to the backyard. I hear him following after me and i giggle and pick up my pace a little.

I make it to the backyard and stop abruptly. I stare in awe at the beautiful garden but that gets ruined by me getting knocked over by Jeff. He lands on top of me and somehow i turned over during the fall and i'm facing him. I blush a bright red color and i can see a slight pink tint on Jeff's cheeks. I look into his eyes and he stares into mine. Before i know it he's leaning towards me and my eyes are slowly closing. And all at once i feel velvety smooth lips on mine and sparks are flying. I get a tingling sensation run down my spine and i put may arms around his neck. One of his hands lay on my hip while the other is next to my head to keep him up slightly. We break apart and he helps me up. I let what just happened seep into my mind and when i finally realized what i did...I ran.

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