6. Framed

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June stood by the tree, chatting with Hazel and Selena. Her friends decided to offer as much comfort as possible. June wanted to smile. But, she couldn't. And she knew exactly why. She was in love with Babo. In fact, Babo was everything she looked for in a lover. Someone who was nice and loyal and funny. Babo was nothing like Lou. What made things worse after Babo left was Lou's petty attempts to get June to date him. The royal blue haired female scowled, remembering being greeted by Lou holding sunflowers at her door this morning. That boy didn't take a hint.
"Hopefully, Mandy's plan to convince Moxy to continue trying for the big world will work," Selena assured, petting her white Persian cat named Angel that sat in her arms, "If it does, Babo will come back." Hazel sat next to June who just sighed.
"What if he doesn't come back?" June asked, "I don't want to go through this. I miss him already."
"You've developed a crush on him, didn't you?" Hazel asked, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder for support, "Not that we're against it. Babo is a great guy."
"It's isn't just a crush, girls." June felt she would burst into tears again. She held it in as hard as she could. "I love him." Selena and Hazel blinked in surprise before looking for each other.
"Mandy did say that in the factory, there's a chute that leads to Uglyville," Selena explained, "Babo is there. Why don't you go see him? Lou won't stop you even if he tries. I would show you the way but, I have to check up on Michael for his hearing." Selena then waved goodbye before dropping her cat off at home to get to work.
"Don't worry, June. I'll show you where it is," Hazel smiled, "You'll finally see Babo again." June felt as though a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders and began to smile. "Okay, lead me the way." June nodded as Hazel led to June to the same chute where the Uglydolls went. When the two girls got there, June turned to face Hazel one more time. "Thank you both for everything," She said before turning back and going down the chute.

Hazel watched June disappear into the chute that Mandy went into. She smiled to herself and turned around to go check up on Nolan. As she walked, she was stopped by an unfamiliar sound. It sounded like...people angrily shouting? Hazel saw Selena and Michael walk to a group a dolls that seemed angry at someone so, she tagged along. "What's going on?" Hazel asked after she caught up to them.
"No idea," Michael shrugged, "But, something's not right." Selena nodded in agreement as the three friends went up into the crowd and held back gasps. There, in front of the spy girls who were extremely angry and Lou who appeared to be...beaten up, was Nolan. His hands were in handcuffs and he had a look of confusion and fear in his eyes. All of the dolls around him started shouting malicious threats.
"Recycle that abusive doll!"
"Tear him apart!"
"Into the washing machine, he should go!"
"Push him into recycling!"
"Nolan?" Selena was shocked by what was happening. Michael gently placed a hand on her shoulder in case she got scared. Fortunately, she relaxed but, continued to watch.
"You should understand as to why you're here!" Kitty said, a hint of malice in her tone as she glared at Nolan.
"No! I honestly don't know what I did wrong," Nolan attempted to reason with her. For some reason, he had been arrested earlier for something he didn't do. And he didn't even know what his crime was.
"Lou?" Tuesday said, comforting Lou who was crying, "Can you tell us exactly what Nolan did to you?"
"It was terrible, everybody!" Lou said, while faux crying, "Nolan broke into my house and assaulted me! He even strangled me and demanded to know what I was planning to do with Kitty, Tuesday and Lydia! I tried telling him I wasn't planning anything but, he didn't believe me! He even had the audacity to threaten to kill me if I don't tell him!" The dolls gasped and glared at Nolan, then continued to shout cruel threats at him.
Michael, Hazel and Selena were shocked. Nolan would never do this! While it looked like he did, they knew Nolan was not one for starting unnecessary violence. "I doubt Nolan did this," Michael suddenly said, "It could be someone else that looked like Nolan and Lou just made the assumption."
"That's one possible theory," Selena agreed. "Another theory is...Nolan is being framed."
"Yeah, that's got to be it!" Hazel concluded, "Nolan would never do something like this! There has to be some sort of logical explanation!"
"Robots!" Lydia shouted, "Take this sick boy out of our sight! We will decide what his punishment should be later on!" The robots did not hesitate to drag a struggling Nolan away as the dolls kept shouting angrily. But, that was when Nolan saw it; Lou had his eyes covered in a faux frightened way before smirking. Then, Lou stuck his tongue out at Nolan.
Nolan couldn't believe it! He treated Lou with a lot of respect and this was how Lou repaid him!? Anger, hurt and betrayal filled his body. He no longer saw Lou as a leader but, a traitor.

It wasn't easy for June to find Babo. After all, Uglyville was a crowded place. When she went back to Uglyville, it wasn't colorful like it used to be. Instead, it was bland. And the citizens were extremely depressed. She continued to walk by, not caring about the slightly confused stares she would receive from other Uglydolls. All she cared about was seeing Babo again. Did Ox's truth really affect them that much? Poor guys. I hope Mandy convincing Moxy to continue training is a success. June then went to the construction site and saw Babo. He was, of course, repairing a building. But, he didn't have that smile that she loved on his face anymore. Instead, he was frowning.
"Babo?" June said, causing him to stop. Babo turned around and faced the grey eyes beauty. "June?" He asked, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be training instead of being here with a reject...like me?" Babo sighed sadly. June gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Babo, listen to me. I know you're not a reject. No one in Uglyville is. I don't know what this factory is thinking, not allowing you to go find a child, but I believe you and everyone here deserve to be loved. And, I enjoy being with you, Babo."
"You...do?" Babo blinked in surprise as June nodded before continuing.
"Yes. Whenever I'm around you, I smile. You're not like any of the guys back at Perfection. Unlike them, you're very sweet, kind and funny. That's what I like...no love, about you. What I'm trying to say is that I love you more than anything, no matter what Lou says." Babo blinked again before smiling.
"June, to tell you the truth, I love you as well. Your brave and caring personality is what makes my heart beat faster at the sight of you. So, will you be my girlfriend?" June nodded as the two of them shared a gentle yet loving kiss. This was what Babo needed. This was what June wanted. Suddenly, the two lovers were interrupted by the sound of a girl clearing her throat. They turned and saw Lydia standing there, a cocky smirk on her face.
"So, an Uglydoll has won the heart of a perfect girl, huh?" Lydia taunted, "Hate to break it to you but, she's way out of your league. Enough of this; June, I've been ordered to bring you back to Lou. He's not going to be happy about this." Lydia then pulled out a sack to put June in. Babo stood in front of June in a protective mode.
"No way!" He said, narrowing his eyes, "I'm not letting that narcissist go near June. You can't take her from me!" Lydia rolled her eyes and kicked Babo, causing him to fall to the side.
"No!" June said as she attempted to run to his side only for a sack to go over her head and her world to go completely black.

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