Chapter 13

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Several hours later, Elsa and Olivia arrived at their destination. They stopped in a secluded area of a developed island with grand brick walls and buildings. They were near steps and the opening of a tunnel that looked to lead into an intricate sewer system.

"Here we are," said Olivia, as she docked the boat. "The port town of the Isle of Zuen."

Elsa rubbed her sore arms. "Finally," she said, and wondered exactly how much muscle Olivia must have developed from rowing around everywhere in their dinky little boat.

She stepped out of the boat and on to the steps, then watched as Olivia expertly tied the boat secure with a bit of rope.

"Okay," said Olivia, putting the finishing touches on her knot then looking at Elsa. "First things first: we need to do something about your get-up."

Elsa was affronted. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"Absolutely nothing..." insisted Olivia. "But at the same time, basically everything. Zuen is a working-class industrial town. It's dingy and dirty and a bit rough around the edges, sort of like its people. You waltz into the downtown square dressed like that and you'll stick out like a sore thumb. People talk, and I guarantee you'll want to keep a low profile."

"But all my clothes are like this!" explained Elsa. "What do you expect me to do, walk around naked?"

Olivia's eyes flickered for half a second, then she suppressed a smug smirk. "You don't get the concept of 'inconspicuous', do you, Frosty?"

Elsa groaned in exasperation.

"Relax," said Olivia. "Lucky for you, I've brought an extra set of clothing with me in the boat. You and I look to be about the same size...might be snug in a few spots..."

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing. You can get changed in the tunnel over there."

Olivia handed Elsa a folded stack of red and black clothing. Elsa looked at the tunnel and wrinkled her nose. "Is it supposed to smell in there?"

"It'd be weird if it didn't," Olivia patted Elsa quickly on the shoulder with her gloved hand. "Welcome to city life."


After a few minutes, Elsa re-emerged from the tunnel in her new outfit. In lieu of her signature blue clothing, she was wearing a red and black leather number similar to Olivia's. The main difference was that her top had poofy shoulder sleeves and more of a tailcoat detail.

Olivia was resting on a box, but sat upright when she got a good look at the new Elsa.

"What?" said Elsa. "Does it look bad?

"No, not at all," said Olivia, smiling. "I think you are ready to strike the town."

"Thanks....I feel like a criminal in this getup."

"Then it's doing its job. You'll fit right in."


The two ascended the steps and walked down a deserted alley. The sounds of a busy city could be heard, muffled by the walls that separated them from the innermost core of Zuen.

"Mount Aragorn is not accessible by foot," explained Olivia. "The only way to reach it reliably is by air. So what we need to do is locate a contact of mine; she'll be able to smuggle us a couple of tickets to gain passage on an airship. This should be a fairly straightforward mission."

"Right," said Elsa.

The alley they were in eventually gave way to a wide open square, full of people and bustling with activity.  Everywhere Elsa looked was a new interesting sight: vendors hawking their wares, horses attached to carriages going single file down a lane, with some being trailed by weird mechanical looking contraptions with wheels that contained people.

"What in the world are those?" Elsa said, awestruck.

"Don't tell me Princess Frosty has never laid eyes on an automobile before?" said Olivia, feigning mock surprise. "They're quite popular in steam-powered towns such as these."

"Fascinating....what do you mean by steam-powered?"

"Well...Zuen is predominantly run by fire wielders, and since they live in close proximity to the water, they've taken advantage of their ability to create the steam which powers those automobiles you see there. But it's not just for transportation. The steam is used for everything: electricity, automation, entertainment. If you work in steam, you could do pretty well for yourself."

"And what about the other elemental users?" asked Elsa. "Like wind and water?"

"Well, there are some wind users scattered here and there in Zuen, but almost no water users. They're not well-liked in these parts."

As they walked, Elsa noticed a couple of kids a few yards away. They looked to be having a water fight, but they were conjuring the water with their hands. She watched them a bit as they chased each other around in circles, laughing and giggling.

"Well, what about those two? asked Elsa, pointing. "They don't seem uncomfortable with showing their powers."

"Put your hand down," hissed Olivia. "Yes, there are exceptions to the rule. But generally, it's unwise to flaunt your powers in front of people you don't know. It can attract the wrong kind of attention."

"Why is it okay for them?"

"Because they're the daughters of the Eldritch House, the most powerful family in Zuen," explained Olivia. "They come from a long line of fire wielders, so their water powers are an anomaly. But they're immune because if anyone even looked at them funny, their bodyguards would put an end to their existence."

"I see..." suddenly Elsa noticed the very large, brawny men in polished suits standing not too far from where the two young girls were play-fighting. "What do you mean, 'the wrong kind of attention'?"

Olivia evaded the question. "My contact should be in that shop across the street. Let's get moving."

Elsa dropped the subject and followed Olivia into a small, cramped store, full of various curios and knick knacks.

"Wait here, I'll go talk to her," said Olivia, and she quickly disappeared as she turned the corner behind a large brass dresser.

Elsa went about admiring the store, touching the various items. Despite the store's size, there were actually a few people wandering around inside, browsing.

Elsa stopped to take a closer look at a bronze figurine of two women sitting under the tree. It instantly reminded her of herself and Anna, and her heart ached with sadness.

Distracted by the figurine, she didn't look underfoot and she tripped on a rug on the floor, nearly falling to the ground had it not been for a man who caught her.

"Whoa there, girly," said the gruff man. "Is ye alright? That's a bit of a tumble ye took!"

He helped Elsa back to her feet; her eyes were wide as though she were in shock.

"Miss? Miss? Is ye good?"

Elsa nodded her head slowly, eyes still wide. "I'm fine. Thank you."

The man eyed her strangely, but walked past her and exited the shop.

Not too long after the encounter, Olivia reappeared from the back of the store, grinning from ear to ear.

"Am I good, or am I good? Two tickets to the 4:00 airship, secured!" she flashed the pair of tickets, then looked at Elsa, concerned. "Hey...what happened?"

"I...I think Arendelle is in danger."

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now