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At the beginning of August, 2019, a song I had never heard started playing on Spotify while I was working on a craft project. Like the song I had been listening to previously, it was in Italian, and though I didn't understand a word the singers were saying, I fell in love with their smooth harmonies and soul-melting voices. As I read the bands name, I didn't know what it meant, and I probably pronounced it wrong. Il Volo. I didn't know who they were- I'd never heard of them. But that one song, Musica Che Resta, made me feel something inside I never had before, and longing for more, I tapped on the Musica album and played it through.
     Since then, I've fallen in love with the band. Now, I know love is a strong word to use for people you've never met, but I'm not just talking about Ignazio, Piero, and Gianluca themselves. I'm talking about the band itself and what it stands for; its essence. I've hopped from fandom to fandom throughout my entire life, and never have I been part of one as great as this. Never have I felt so welcomed; so secure. Never have I been so passionate about the music produced by a band, and since Il Volo meant so much to me, all I wanted to do was share it; spread that feeling to others. That's what caused me to start this book just a few months after discovering them.
    Unfortunately, though, my passion made me publish the first part of this story far to hastily. Though the plot of Italian Summer still holds great potential, I realized shortly after posting the first chapter that this story just wasn't ready to be shared yet. There are far too many risks that come along with posting a book chapter-by-chapter, especially when it's always your first draft that gets published. When creating the first 3 chapters of this book, I was only focusing on the climax of the book, and I fear that if I force myself to write this book from the point I'm at, I will only rush it. So I'm not going to.
     As I said before, Italian Summer holds a lot of potential. However, my foundation for this book (the first few chapters) suck, and I just can't continue writing this book with the way those chapters are written. The details from later on in the story aren't bled into them as they should be, and I'm not proud of them at all. So, because of this, I am going to be rewriting this book. I'm going to again start from the ground up, and try my best to publish a version of this book that I'm proud of.
     I won't be deleting this book as I work on it- everyone's reads, votes, and sweet comments are far too precious to me too do that. I am simply going to pause where I'm at, and start posting once I'm positive I like the new version. I'm sorry to everyone that was enjoying this story as it is, but I assure you that the new version will be infinitely better. I hope that you will all keep this book in your library and continue reading once I start updating again, and if you watch out, I might just post another book to keep everyone occupied while I toil over fixing this train wreck.

Your's truly,
Annemarie .E. Taylor

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