Never mess with my friends

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Bonnie: What did you say
Sky: You will all suffer
(My eyes start turning purple while my outfit turns into a demon outfit)
Mangle: Who the fuck are you
(A sword appears in my hand and I slice some of mangle's hair off)
Sky: Nice haircut
Bonnie: You freaking bitch
(He runs at me with a knife and stabs it at my eye)
(I yell and grab my eye from pain, and throw Bonnie into the wall,where he hits his head and goes unconscious)
(I go to my friends and I heal them)
(When they wake up, mangle runs at me and tries to stab Springtrap with a knife)
(I quickly run to Springtrap and mangle ends up stabbing the knife into my arm)
(I use my last strength and put a spell on her making her and her gang go to sleep)
Springtrap: Whyd you help me
Sky: Cause you are my friend
(Then I faint and hear my brother talking to me)
Purple guy: You did good sis. Mom would be proud of you
Sky: Thanks brother.
Purple guy: You're about to wake up sis. Bai
Sky: Bai
(When I woke up I was in a dark room)
???: Don't worry your safe
(I look around for the voice but there is no one behind me)
???: Boo
(I turn around quickly and punch golden in the stomach)
Sky: I am sooo sorry golden. You scared me. By the way were am i?
Golden: Me and Springtrap's dorm
Sky: What am I doing here?
Golden: I healed you while you were sleeping.
Sky: Oh.
(Then I remember everyone and try to run out of the room)
(Then I feel a pain and look down at my arm and leg)
Golden: Yeah. The knife that mangle used was so strong that it hurts demons. And remember you broke your leg
Sky: I hate this sooo much😡
(I try walking but I end up falling.I try teleporting but more pain ends up coming)
Golden: Let me help you
(He picks me up bridal style and we teleport in front of the dorm)
Sky: Put me down please
Golden: Nah. You look like a baby like this
(I start blushing)
Sky: Put me DOWN
Golden: Fine,fine
(He puts me down and I knock on the door)
(Chica comes out crying and hugs me so tightly,while the girls do the same)
The girls: You could've died
Sky: I had to save my friends. Even if it means death
(The girls start crying more and I see the boys huddled up by my bed)
Sky: What's going on over there
(I walk to my bed and find Springtrap sleeping on there)
(Then I look closer and see that he is wearing make up)
Sky: What did you guys do?
Freddy: Sorry, we shouldn't have used your make-up
Sky: What do you mean by we
(I look closer and see that puppet is also using my make up)
Sky: Seriously freddy
Freddy: Sorry. Well thanks for saving us
Puppet: Go on
(He starts blushing and throws me flowers that say "get well)
Freddy: Bye!!
(He runs out)
Puppet: He's secretly shy. Well better catch up with him. Get well.
(He leaves and chases after freddy)
(I look around and see golden still outside)
Sky: Golden, wanna come in?
Golden: Kay
(He comes in, looks at springtrap, and starts taking pictures of him)
Sky: He's gonna be mad when he sees that
Golden: Which is why Imma go hide
(He dissapears)
The girls: Were gonna go get ya some pizza
Sky: Thanks
(They leave and I'm left alone with Springtrap)
Springtrap: zzzzz
Sky: I should clean this off him
(I grab a tissue and start cleaning his face)
(He wakes up and stares at me)
Springtrap: Whatcha doin
Sky: The boys put make-up on you so I decided to help you. Why are you on my bed?
Springtrap: I got tired and ended up sleeping on
Springtrap:they haven't told you
Sky: What?
Springtrap: Look in a mirror
Springtrap: Just do it
(I grab a mirror and look at my eyes)
(One eye is blue and the other is red)
Sky: What the fuck happened to my eye!!
Springtrap: You look fine
Sky: No I dont. It was probably when Bonnie stabbed me in the eye with the knife
Springtrap: Okay I have a lot of questions. First what happened with bonnie. Second why'd you save us?
Sky: ....I'll let Osceola,or osea tell you what happened
Springtrap: Who's osea
(I make the demon of water appear)
(She runs at me and gives me a hug)
Osea: Poor poor master. How do you feel. Are you okay. I love your new eye.
Sky: Can you tell him what happened between me and bonnie.
Osea: Yes, me tell Springtrap, you sleep.
Sky: Thanks osea
Osea: Hey you. Springtrap! Off her bed. Master need sleep
(She uses her power of water and makes Springtrap get off)
(Springtrap stares at me)
Sky: She's nice. I promise you. Just don't talk about rumba.
Springtrap: Who's rumba
Osea: The most fucking annoying fire demon that there is
Springtrap: okay,okay. Good night sky
Sky: Good night. Oh and osea don't mention the "human"
Osea: Okay. Good night
(I transform into my spirit animal and fall asleep, while osea tells Springtrap everything)
Osea: I know. Me has been keeping her calm when her angry.
Springtrap: So like a mother
Osea: Yes, except me not her mother
(She grabs me and puts down on the floor and starts petting me while I purr)
(I go to Springtrap and fall asleep on him)
Springtrap: Why'd she protect me. Know her arm's hurt
Osea: You are her friend. She cares deeply about her friends.
Osea: Imma wake her up now
Springtrap: Okay
(She grabs a horn)
Springtrap: Don't do that!
Osea: Ooh what's this button do
(She presses the button and I jump up and transform back to normal)
Osea: umm...bai!!
(She disappears)
Springtrap: That was so hilarious😂
Sky:s-stop laughing😳
Springtrap: Ok,ok. So that is how you broke up with bonnie.
Sky: Yeah
(I go into my closet and hide)
Springtrap: sorry, I didn't know you'd be that sad
Sky: Who would know that heartbreak hurts
Springtrap: are you gonna come out?
Sky: Yeah, in coming
(I come out of my closet and almost end up falling but Springtrap catches me)
Springtrap: I know this is gonna sound weird come your bed smells so nice
(I start blushing and push him)
Springtrap: Sorry
Sky: You have a little something on yah
Springtrap: What!
(I wipe something off his face and foxy comes in)
Foxy: Sorry to disturb you two. I'll come back later
(I look at foxy and realize what he meant by that and I separate from Springtrap)
(I look at springtrap and he is also red)
Sky: Foxy, shut up. We weren't doing anything
Foxy: Sure😙
Sky: Just tel l me why are you here?
Foxy: I just came to say thanks for saving us and that if you wanted to take a walk with me some time
Sky: No.
Foxy: Why?
Sky: Let me see. Bonnie. Does that ring a bell?
Foxy: Fine. Fine. Just don't come back to me if you see me with a girl
Sky: I won't
(He leaves)
(My phone rings and I look at the picture that golden sent me of Springtrap)
Springtrap: What is it?
(I show him the picture and he goes red)
Sky: Its adorable.
Springtrap: G-golden is so d-dead.
Sky: Don't kill him.
Springtrap: but the picture!
Sky: how about we prank him and the boys tonight
Springtrap: Fuck yeah!!
Sky: I think I'm healed now so let's teleport to the others
(I teleport me and him to the others)

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