Hero's Determination declare

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That was close, too close. The Night Fury thought as he landed when he saw a clearing in the forest, taking deep breaths to calm his racing heart.

He was following around the boy again that day, as what he had been doing for the past few months. At first, it was because he was curious and wanted to know who the boy was – the 13 year human who was out during the raid a few months back when the other human hatchlings were nowhere in sight – and now, his curiosity had grown into admiration during the few months he watched over the boy silently and secretly.

It seems like I can't take my eyes away from him. The Night Fury thought after he had calmed down his racing heart, but he was afraid that the boy would get into a dangerous situation again.

Earlier, when he saw that the boy had sat down to eat, he had flown to a part of the sea where he knew that there wasn't any human nearby to get some food as well. He took some time hunting for his favorite Cods and ate them before flying back to the boy, but just as he was about to fly back, he saw the boy got himself surrounded by a pack of wolves. He had flown to his rescue immediately, and he was grateful that he was the fastest dragon in the archipelago, for he wasn't sure if he could save the boy if he wasn't, especially after the boy fell off the cliff.

He shook his head to focus himself on the present and not on his memory. He didn't know since when he cared for the boy, but he thought his heart had stopped when he saw the boy fell off the cliff. He didn't want to take a chance now, he wanted to protect the boy, for he didn't want anything to happen to this human. He inhaled deeply again before taking off to the sky once again, since if he wanted to protect the boy, he had to be around the boy so he could act quickly.

When he got near the human village, he saw that the Runners were surrounding the boy. He narrowed his eyes and hid himself immediately, it would be best if he found out what was happening first before taking any move about it. He focused on what was they said, going from one individual to another until he heard the boy's voice.

"You heard me, Merc." The boy spoke to the human Alpha, "I won't kill dragons unless it's the only thing I can do to survive!".

The Night Fury's eyes widened in pleasant surprise, he didn't know why the boy made such declaration so suddenly, but he was happy nonetheless. Won't kill dragons unless it's the only thing you can do to survive, huh? He thought as his eyes locked in the human's 13 year figure. He didn't know why, but he felt pride when he heard the boy's declaration. "Well then, I will make sure that you can survive without having to kill any dragon." He promised to the boy, even though he knew that the human couldn't hear him. He would make sure that the boy's hands stay clean of dragon's blood, he would protect the boy from his own kin if needed, because . . .

Ash and the Night Fury's thoughts

Maybe, just maybe, the peace between Dragons and Humans is possible, after all. Both Ash and the Night Fury thought at the same time. No, I will make sure that the peace is possible. No matter how long it will take, but I will end this war, once and for all!

Gates to Infinity The Novel Series Declaration of DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now