Joshua Basset

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You laid in bed bringing your knees close to your chest. All you wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. You wanted to scream, punch, kick a wall! Something. But you settled with sulking. You looked over at your phone seeing it's 12:30 at night. *Great.*You turned and stared at the ceiling littered with glow-in-the-dark stars. You smiled remembering when your mom got them for you. She used to say every night that they would watch over you and shine a path of light for you to find your way. Then again probably so you wouldn't trip and eat it every time you got up to go to the bathroom. But you never took them down either way.

The silence was driving you crazy. Everyday you came home, if you can even call it that, to an empty house. After mom passed two years back dad made his job priority. A distraction. But now that he has a girlfriend he's never home. She doesn't like you very much. You didn't like her either. She was just greedy. A gold digger. Your dad didn't seem to care. Or he was just oblivious. Either way he didn't talk to you much. He trusted you, you guessed, or maybe he didn't care, but he would check on things here and there. He came home some nights. But he would be gone the next morning.

So here you are in bed. Alone. Again. Silence. You closed your eyes trying to fall asleep, when they snap open again to the sound of your phone ringing. You just turned it off.

It was from Joshua. Your best friend.
Joshua Bassett was the sweetest, funniest, kindest person you've ever met besides your mother. And talented. He played guitar and piano and boy could he sing. You've been through thick and thin since 7 years old. He just so happened to be your next door neighbor as well. His window was right across from yours. Down below there was a white fence that separated the houses and a long large bush with pretty pink flowers that bloomed every spring there. You would constantly hang out. Usually you were at his place.

You didn't meet up with him today though. You didn't feel like bombarding him with your feelings. He already had enough to deal with probably. He got a role for a new show. You weren't sure what it was called yet but it must be big. He wanted to keep it a surprise. He seemed so excited when he told you. He couldn't wipe the smile off his face. That perfect smile that could melt your heart.

You felt bad. You could've at least gave a reason why. He actually lived some minutes away. But he was with his parents and sisters for the weekend after telling them the big news about his new role. You rubbed your face , hiding behind your hands. Anything to block out the world for a second. *Just for a moment.* Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a tapping from your window. You ignored it, thinking it might just be from the wind and the tree outside. But when it came again you slowly made your way towards it and peeked out. Only to be met with a pair of light brown eyes. You opened the window gaping at Joshua who stood outside on a branch trying hard not to fall. You grabbed his arm and yanked him in making him stumble and grab your shoulders for support. You could feel the butterflies erupt inside just from his touch.

You quickly closed your window and looked back at him questioningly. Just realizing how cold it is as you were only wearing shorts and an oversized black tee. Which you might've stole from joshua without him knowing. *oops?*

"What are you doing here so late? And why didn't you just use the front door?" You asked walking to stand in front of him. He grinned showing off his cute dimples. You couldn't help but want to touch his hair as his curls were a mess. *A hot mess.. uhh stop it focus y/n!* You came out of your thoughts as he replied. "Wheres your sense of adventure?" He nudged your arm but then grabbed it and pulled you into a hug.

He layed his cheek on your head and mumbled, "Plus I wanted to see if you were okay. You didn't meet up or message me today. I was worried." You wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed your head against his chest as he swayed you side to side. You sighed just wanting to stay in his arms, like this, forever. Sadly he pulled back to look down at you. "Are you okay? Do you need to talk about anything?" He said with concern, trying to meet your eyes. You wouldn't let him though. You sighed and pulled back from his embrace, which only made him worry more. "Yeah just feeling a bit down lately. It's fine really. I'm fine. I'll get over it." You walk away and sit down at the edge of your bed. He watched you and followed the same steps. He sat beside you and looked at you from the side.

He pushed you a bit with his shoulder to get your attention. But you still wouldn't look at him. "Y/n.. I know fine doesn't really mean fine. You know you can talk to me. I'm your best friend remember. I'm always gonna be here."

You bit your lip holding back built up tears. You barely spoke above a whisper but he still heard. "But what if you aren't?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He turned you towards him, grabbing your shoulders, only to see a tear slip from your eyes. He quickly wiped it away. "Hey hey hey, what are you talking about? What do you mean?" When you didn't speak he cupped your face. "Please y/n... talk to me." He moves his hands as you sat fully on the bed with your knees pressed against your chest. "I'm all alone. Here in this damn house that I know longer call 'home'. There all gone J! They all left! My mom. Dad... what if you go to. What if you forget about me?!"

By now tears were pouring down your cheeks from your pent up outburst. "I-I don't wa-want to lose anybo-body else." You sniffled and buried your head deep into your arms ones again wanting to sink deep into a hole. Until you felt a pair of arms wrap around you.
He sits up on your bed against the wall and brings you onto his lap. He lays his head against the back of your head. You still wouldn't look up, just cried into your knees, as he gently rubbed your back waiting until you were calmer. Ones he felt your heart beat slow and your breaths were less ragged he kissed the top of your head. And mumbled into your now messy h/c hair.

"Nothing could keep me from you y/n m/n l/n. I'm not going anywhere, you hear me. Your not alone. You have me. And my family. I'm always here for you. I always will be. Screw your dad and his girlfriend. If he can't see what's right here, the most important thing in his life, then he just lost another beautiful person. But that doesn't mean your gonna lose me." You felt a few tears trickle down your now red cheeks as he spoke. But they were more happy then sad tears. You moved your head to look up at him.

He brushed your hair behind your ear pressing a kiss to your forehead. You felt yourself lean into his touch as his hand cradled the side of your head. "I'm sorry." You say quietly. He furrows his eyesbrows and wipes the tears from your eyes. He strokes your cheek with his thumb. "You have nothing to apologize for. I just want you to know that you can trust me. With your feelings. I want you to be able to talk to me when somethings wrong. You mean so much to me..." he closes his eyes and leans his forehead against yours. "You have no idea." You felt your heart skip a beat. *what did he mean by that?* You opened your eyes only to see he was already looking at you. He smiled softly. You finally gave in and brushed his hair back from his face causing a sigh to come from him.

" said I can trust you with my feelings... I have one more thing I need to tell you." You could feel your hands shake and your heart speed up as you tried to build up the courage to say what you needed to say. He nods gesturing for you to go on. You look down at his hand and shakily grab it intertwining your hands together. You squeeze it as you hold it up to your chest so he could feel your heart.

"I.... I really, really like you Joshua Bassett...." He felt himself staring at you so intently as if trying to tell if you were serious or not. He moved closer causing you to stiffen and slowly move back, not realizing you were moving towards the edge of the bed. Before you could slip off he grabbed your waist with his free hand. Your hands were still intertwined. He could see a light pink to your cheeks as light from the window cascaded down on your face and h/l h/c hair. He looked into your eyes, your lashes still wet from you crying just moments ago, and he spoke not realizing he had been holding his breath. "Call me cliche or stupid....but I've liked you since the day I met you." He could see you slowly smile. He leaned you towards him. Both of you now nearly touching noses. He swallowed, still nervous. "Scratch that. I love you f/n l/n." At that you did the unthinkable.

You kissed him. He wrapped his arms around your waist as your brought your arms around his neck, hands in his hair. You pulled at his light brown curls as he deepened the kiss, now cradling your head with one hand. All these years you guys kept your feelings from each other was finally being let out. Eventually you both pulled back for air.
You smiled as he softly chuckled. You giggled as he proceeded to kiss your forehead, cheeks, and nose. He then softly pecks your lips. He puts his head in the crook of your neck and inhales. He lets out a long satisfied sigh as if a huge weight was just lifted off his shoulders. “Hey j..” he hums. “I love you too.” He grins and sits back up. You smile widely back. He tackles you in a hug both of you falling back into the bed. You laugh as he finally lays back on the pillow with you on his chest. Hands and legs tangled as you both fall in asleep under the stars.

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