Vito Jonas Ava Sean Quentin Aubrey

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Jonas' face turned red as Sean came skipping out of the woods, screeching. Vito passed out at the sight. Aubrey started sobbing because the love triangle just became a love square. Then, Ava came out of the woods. Now it's a love pentagon. Ava decided that Sean was too gay, so she went to go eat grass and live in the woods. It's a love square again.

When Vito finally woke up, Sena sat on his face. Vito screamed into Sean's butt. When Sean wouldn't get up, Vito cronched down on his bootay as hard as he could. Sean screeched again and started flying around like a pterodactyl.


Suddenly, Quentin runs out of the woods and hits Aubrey in the face with his wet sock. He then throws it at Sean and runs back into the woods to eat Ava's grass poop.

Vito is stunned and Jonas slaps his VERY DISTRACTING shoulders. "WAKE UP DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE"




Jonas started doing the worm and Vito ate dirt. Aubrey ran over and grabbed Vito's soft hair. He turned towards her with a desperate look in his eyes. Aubrey grabbed the nearest stick and cleaned the dirt out of Vito's mouth with it. Still holding Vito by the hair, Aubrey pulled him to her and kissed him. She kept holding him and grabbed Jonas, pulling him into the kiss. Aubrey and Vito moaned in delight, but Jonas was still thinking about doing the worm, so he wasn't paying attention.

When the three free cake children finished after 13 hours, they made their way towards the woods. As soon as they entered, though, they saw Quentin eating grass poop, so they ran the other way.

So yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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