𝐆.𝐈. 𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐞

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~Vanessa's POV~

"I still don't see why you have too." Jay tells me as the group and I were at Topanga's as I was waiting for the Ross's, Jessie and Bertram.

"Because Jessie's dad invited us to go back to Texas and this is the first time he's asked her since she left Texas." I explained to them again.

"Okay, explain something to me." Sam said next to him. "How are you guys related but don't have the same last name?"

"Yeah, we actually never understood that either." Maya said gesturing herself, Riley, Farkle and Lucas.

"Well my mom's dad's surname is Prescott-Cortez but on papers it's just Prescott while my nonna's is Romano." I explained to them. "And after he turned 18 my uncle kept Prescott and made it his legal surname."

"But your grandparents married." Riley said confused.

"That's because nonna wanted to keep her surname since she's so proud of our heritage." I smiled. "That's also why my mom's full name is Melissa Valencia Romano-Santiago. We like to keep the surname alive as long as we can."

"But your surname isn't Romano." Farkle commented with a confused expression.

"Actually it is." I nodded. "It's just that my name is really long so it's just shorten."

"What's you full name?" Lucas asked me.

"Vanessa Valentina Prescott-Cortez Romano Hunter-Santiago." I answered them as they all had a shocked expression. "Yeah, I know."

"What are you gonna do when you get married?" Jay asked me.

"What do you mean what am I going to do?" I asked him. "I'm just going to add it to the list. No way am I losing my family name just cause I'm getting married."

"I petty your kids." Jay shook his head.

"Hey." I slapped him upside the head.

"Ow!" Jay rubbed his head. "Big rings."

"My kids will only take one of those and their dad's surname." I told him taking a sip of my milkshake.

"You already planned that?" Sam asked me.

"Yup." I smiled. "And I got no remorse."


"I already got a list." I told her.

"Okay." Sam shrugged.

"Well, where are you going to stay once you get to Texas?" Farkle asked me.

"Since it's not where Lucas, Zay and I grew up in I'm going to be staying in one of the military bunkers." I answered.

"What?" Maya asked. "Why? Are you going to survive?"

I chuckled before answering, "Yes, I will survive. I actually stayed there sometimes when I was younger since I had sleepovers with Jessie. I'm still used to how everything goes back there."

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