Don't Take Him Away From Me

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~In The Morning~
Yoongi's POV
I woke up and saw Jimin was still asleep after yesterday. I kept staring at him, looking at his face features. He had such plump pink lips with his cute chubby cheeks but his eyes were the most beautiful of his face. I sat up but Jimin woke up and he had this cute sleepy face. "Morning baby boy" I smiled and kissed him softly and got clothes for a bath for both us and I heard a thud and saw him on the floor. "You went too rough!" He pouted. I picked him up and sat him down as I got the bath ready.

I helped him get in the bath and I went in as well, feeling the warmth of the water and holding Jimin close to me. "I love you Jimin." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you too!" He smiled softly and we stayed in the bath for a little longer before getting out and getting dressed. He had my boxers on and a oversized shirt that went to his mid-thigh while I changed into what I wear every day. Soon there was a knock on my door as I told Jimin to get in the closet to hide but the door was already opened.

Luckily it was my mom opening the door and closing it quickly. "How did you get Jimin in here!? Without getting caught!?" I shrugged. "All the guards were gone and dad was in his study room." I sat down next to him and held his hand. My mom sat down next to me and smiled. "So you two are together now?" I nodded. "Well I'm happy for both of you, just make sure your father doesn't find out, or the public." "I know mom, thanks for being understanding about everything." She smiled and got up. "Well I have to get going, your father wanted to talk to me about something." She left and closed the door.

I pulled Jimin into a cuddle since there was nothing to do at all today and just held him close, looking at him once in awhile. "Yoongi?" "Yes Jimin?" He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "W-What if you're dad finds out about me b-being here and d-dating you?" I looked at him and hugged him tightly. "Jimin, nothing is going to happen okay? He won't find out and my mom is going to make sure he doesn't find out."

I kissed him as he kissed back but before things got heated my mom rushed in and closed the door while locking it. "Mom what's going? What did dad say?" She looked at me with a frightened look, something my mom never shows. "We need to get Jimin out of here, your father somehow found out and I'm thinking he came to check on you in the morning while you two were asleep!" She had a bag of clothes and it also had essentials Jimin needed like food and other things. "Shit, is he coming this way?" "Luckily not yet. He said he was gonna come over here right after something" but she was interrupted with knocking on the door.

I wouldn't really call it knocking I would call it banging while trying to open the door. "Yoongi open this door right now!" I helped Jimin hide somewhere while I slowly unlocked the door and opened it. "Yes father?" He just stormed in and started looking everywhere. I was scared he would find Jimin where I hid him. "Where is he Yoongi!?" "What do you mean?" He looked at me. "Damn it Yoongi, where the hell is Jimin!? When I came to go check on you earlier in the morning, I saw that disgusting person next to you while you were asleep!"

My mom was trying to get him to stop but that failed miserably and he went to the spot where I hid Jimin. Shit. He found Jimin and grabbed him and dragged him out. My mom and I went after him. "Dad let him go!!" He wouldn't listen and my mother tried stopping him. "You need to stop this!!" He stopped and looked at her. "This disgusting person who is a hybrid has been screwing our son!! I'm now allowing this to happen!" Jimin was in pain because of my dad's grip and he was on the verge of crying.

He was close to the door of where the dungeon is but I got in front of him. "Dad don't do this!!" "Why are you standing up for him!?" Just take a deep breath, and tell him even if he gets mad. "Because I love him dad!! I was the one that brought him yesterday and yes he's my boyfriend!!" He looked at me with the coldest glare I've never seen from him. "You're just being wrapped around his finger! And you two shall never see each other and you're not allowed to go into the dungeon to see him!" He pushed me out of the way and took him away to the dungeon. I had started crying, knowing that dad will make sure I will never see him.

My mom pulled me in a tight hug trying to assure Jimin will be okay, but knowing dad he wants to make sure Jimin is in pain. I heard my father yelling for me to come down and my mother came down with me. Jimin was shaking badly and all I wanted to do was just hug him and assure him he's fine but I can't, no matter what I was being held back from going to him. "Dad just stop this!!" "Like hell I will. He is just using you Yoongi! So from now on, he will be staying in here, and if he causes any chaos then he won't eat. He'll only be given bread and that's it." He walked up to me and sighed. "I'm doing this for your own good son, I don't want to see you heartbroken because of this hybrid." I got away from him and stormed upstairs.
Later I had gone downstairs for dinner and sat down. "Yoongi, there is something I need to tell you." "What is it now?" I looked at him while mother did the same. "I'm putting you in a arranged marriage with another Kingdom, there not that far away from here and you'll meet the kingdom and the girl you'll be marrying." I looked at him in shock. "No way in hell i'm doing this fucking arranged marriage!! I love Jimin and only him! Not some whore princess!!" "Yoongi you better watch your mouth, and I don't care if you don't want it, you're doing the marriage!!!" I pushed the plate that broke when it fell and stormed upstairs to my room and locked it and started crying.

  It was supposed to be a secret but he         found out, I want Jimin back, and I'm running away with him tonight.

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