A Place with No Return

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I'm falling deep
I'm falling hard
It is dark
No one is here
I'm all alone

Its empty
I can't find myself
I keep falling and falling
It's never-ending

I can't get out
I climb and climb
It doesn't work

What is wrong with me
I ask that everyday
How can I get out of here
It's consuming me

I see the light
I'm coming out
It starts to fade
When I think I'm almost there
Something change

I'm falling deep
I'm falling hard
It is dark
No one is here
I'm all alone

I need help
I want help
I call for you
You can't hear

I'm all alone
Someone help
I know you can hear
I know you can see

You pretend
You think its fake
You ignore

I am scared of myself
I can't control
I'm in pain
I can't think
I feel numb

It'll end soon
I'll be free
It won't hurt
I'm happy

A place with no return

A Place with No ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now