Chapter 1

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I'm curious of how this'll go. Please tell me how it was I can't judge my own work, because to me it's trash. And this might be really bad. Btw, I'm not saying cheating is okay, but right now for the sake of the plot and the fact that i want percico, let's forget that part, while you're reading this. And let's remember it once we're done, okay? And the beginning is straight from the actual book.That's all.

3rd person omniscient

Percy and Hazel had just left from seeing Octavian and she lead him to a black crypt build into the side of a cliff. She told him she wanted him to meet her brother. Percy was intrigued. She had described him a little to Percy, and he description sounded vaguely familiar.

In the side of the hill there was a teenage boy with black jeans and an aviator jacket. Hazel's description of the boy was pretty accurate. Percy also realized that he looked familiar. Almost as if Percy knew him.

"Hey," Hazel called. "I've brought a friend."
For a microsecond when he saw Percy, the boy seemed shocked—panicked even, like he’d been caught in a searchlight.

“This is Percy Jackson,” Hazel said. “He’s a good guy. Percy, this is my brother, the son Pluto. Nico, Percy realized. That was his name. And as he came to the revelation, he introduced himself. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Nico di Angelo." He said.

They shook hands. Percy scowled. “I—I know you.”

Nico raised his eyebrows. “Do you?” He looked at Hazel for explanation.

Hazel hesitated. Something about her brother’s reaction wasn’t right. He was trying hard to act casual, but when he had first seen Percy, Hazel had noticed his momentary look of panic. Nico already knew Percy. She was sure of it. Why was he pretending otherwise?

Hazel forced herself to speak. “Um…Percy’s lost his memory.” She told her brother what had happened since Percy had arrived at the gates.

“So, Nico…” she continued carefully, “I thought…you know, you travel all over. Maybe you’ve met demigods like Percy before, or...”

Nico’s expression turned as dark as Tartarus. Hazel didn’t understand why, but she got the message: Drop it. Percy saw this too and wondered why.

“This story about Gaea’s army,” Nico said. “You warned Reyna?”

Percy nodded. “Who is Gaea, anyway?”

Hazel’s mouth went dry. Just hearing that name…It was all she could do to keep her knees from buckling. She remembered a woman’s soft sleepy voice, a glowing cave, and feeling her lungs fill with black oil.

“She’s the earth goddess.” Nico glanced at the ground as if it might be listening. “The oldest goddess of all. She’s in a deep sleep most of the time, but she hates the gods and their children.”

“Mother Earth…is evil?” Percy asked.

“Very,” Nico said gravely. “She convinced her son, the Titan Kronos—um, I mean, Saturn—to kill his dad, Uranus, and take over the world. The Titans ruled for a long time. Then the Titans’ children, the Olympian gods, overthrew them.” percy noticed his slip up, but didn't question it. After all, the Greek names seemed to be stuck in his head as well.

“That story seems familiar,” Percy sounded surprised, like an old memory had partially surfaced. “But I don’t think I ever heard the part about Gaea.”

Nico shrugged. “She got mad when the gods took over. She took a new husband—Tartarus, the spirit of the abyss—and gave birth to a race of giants. They tried to destroy Mount Olympus, but the gods finally beat them. At least…the first time.”

Percico/Pernico Son Of Neptune Where stories live. Discover now