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It was already 12:53 almost one I had been rummaging through my closet looking for something to wear sense 9 I know guys that's bad but suddenly I heard a knock on my door "What joey" I said obviously annoyed as he opened the door "Joey stop I'm not dressed" I said covering my body "I've seen you naked when we were fu-" I threw a pillow at him but he caught it "Out" I said pointing at the door "Fuck you" he said in a cold voice slamming the door ugh he's so bipolar for no danm reason. Then I found a outfit

I grabbed  my phone walking down the steps not looking I tripped witch allowed the pregnancy test to fall right below Joey's feet "You're

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I grabbed my phone walking down the steps not looking I tripped witch allowed the pregnancy test to fall right below Joey's feet "You're.. Pregnant" he shouted as it echoed throughout the house "Yes joey" I said looking away "Great just what we need" he said sitting down face palming himself "Well I'm sorry joey me and my child didn't fit into your elaborate life plan I'll raise my child on my own" I said walking into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water trying to hide the tears from falling down my eyes "Or you could drop it" my eyes wen't wide "Are you fucking serious Joey" I said running up the steps to my room "Fuck you joey" I said not expecting a reply "You already did thats how your pregnant" he yelled up the stairs I called my bestfriend telling her I was coming over stress isn't good for babys I had to leave I grabbed my bag walking down the steps "Where are you going" he said "Mind your danm business" I scoffed

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