Chapter 3

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Aaron POV

"Whoever you're, just come out I'll let you live if you're innocent." She said in a voice which seemed like she was bored.

I'm dying here due to fear for my life and she's standing there bored... Just perfect!

" Just come out, I'm running out of patience." She grumbled

"Mark just ignite this whole place up. That guy can burn alive for all I care," she said bitterly.

"N... No, I'm coming... I'm coming. " I said while coming out from behind the boxes in the alley.

"Wow just wow, my luck's really good today." She said this while laughing

I just stood there, shaking with fear due to the demon standing in front of me cackling just because she can now take revenge for today.

"Aren't you the bad boy from my school?" she asked me even when she knows who I am perfectly well.

I was thinking if I should answer it or not, I thought it'd be best if I don't say anything. Maybe she'll leave me if I act like an innocent and in this case I'm actually innocent.

"I WANT AN ANSWER!! I'm asking you something," she yelled making me jump with fear due to the intensity of her voice.

"Y..yes mam" I almost whispered while looking down so that I can avoid looking at her.

"I can't hear you," she said cupping her ear as if she really can't listen to my voice but I know that she just wants to humiliate me.

"Yes mam," I said a bit louder.

" Aww That's really good bad boy but why are your legs shaking, I don't think it's that cold here." she mockingly said

Yeah, it can happen when you see a live show of Hawke...

"No... no mam, it's not like that." She took out her gun after hearing this.

"Mam...mam please spare me, I won't tell anyone I swear," I said hurriedly while kneeling in front of her.

"You know Aaron, get up it's not good for your reputation," she smirked 

I suddenly looked up shocked that she knows my name...

"Shocked that I know your name? I know most of the things about you that you live with your mom, your dad died due to some diseases and your mom runs a store nearby. You did the biggest mistake of your life by disrespecting me." 

"Mam i'm sorry I swear I didn't mean to," I said while trying not to cry

"Please mam, let me go. I won't tell anyone, I'll even do all your homework ." I started crying due to the overwhelming situation

"Ok, that's good. We should continue this at my house, don't you think. " She smirked

"Shit... Mam I understood, i don't think th.. that would be necessary." I stammered out

"Yeah like I asked your opinion." she laughed, her laughing sounded so good better than her scary voice anyway.

"Mark, take him in our car. I'll make sure he never says something like that ever again to anyone else."

"We should just kill him, he's just baggage for us anyway. " Mark said in a very neutral voice.

"Naah, I'll break this badboy first," she said in a playful mood.

"He'll be my pet. " she said with a really excited expression

"Ohk I don't think my opinion matters here." I mumbled

"You can choose which collar do you like... " she whispered in my ear.

I stiffened because of such close proximity, I maybe a badboy but I never let anyone get this much close to me.

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