Crying in the club room

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Hinata puts on a mask. Every morning, as if it's part of a daily routine. He's okay with that, but it takes a toll on his body and mind.

There are days that he has really hard time keeping that mask from falling apart.

Today is one of those days.

He found out this morning, by his mother rushing out if the house, that his little sister, Natsu, is "sick" and needs to be at the hospital.

His dad called him last night, reminding him how much of a failure he is.

Kenma had to postpone their weekend together for personal reasons, which he understood, it's just that the weekends with kenma were the only things keeping his head above the water.

His scary, abusive ex won't leave him alone about getting back together and how's he's "changed."

Everything just kept getting worse.

But he made sure to get to practice, and school, and practice again.

Afternoon practice was the worst though.

All of his built up emotions wanted nothing more than to spill out, he fought them off as long as he could.

When everyone left the club room, leaving him to change on his own, he broke down.

He just couldn't hold everything in anymore. He fell to the ground, not caring that he was only half changed as he choked out silent sobs.

Once he was sure that there was no one within earshot, he gave up on being quiet.

He sat there for what felt like hours of crying, finding no end to the tears.

He was startled by the heavy door to the club room opening again.

Quickly, he put his hand over his mouth, trying his best to soften the crying. With his eyes shut tightly, and his legs pulled to his chest, he hoped the other would simply leave.

He heard a gasp as the door slammed shut, locking, then rushed footsteps his way.

"Hinata? Hinata, hey, look at me." A soft voice said, moving their hand to his face.

Hinata didn't move, only shaking his head and going back to sobbing his heart out.

"Shōyō. Look at me." The voice said more sternly, keeping a calm tone at the same time.

Hinata hesitantly looked back up, his eyes red and puffy as he kept crying.

He was meet with Suga crouching down in front of him, his hand still on Hinata's face.

He lightly shook his head, a sympathetic smile playing at his lips as he used his thumbs to get rid of the falling tears.

Hinata's eyes searched Suga's for a sign of hate or disappointment, like he always gets when he cries in front of someone, but found none.

"Sho, why are you crying?" Suga asked softly, trying not to trigger anything.

Hinata let his eyes fall closed as he took deep breaths, trying his best to calm down.

"Everything. It's all getting to me." He hiccuped.

"What? What's everything, Sho?" Suga pressed, he needed to know what was going on if he was going to help.

"My dad. My mental Health. My sister. My ex. What's not happing?" Hinata cried, pulling his legs away from his chest and to his sides as he grabbed onto Suga as if his life depended on it.

Which, it did.

Calming down, Hinata started to explain.

"My dad left us, but he got ahold of my number. Every night he calls me to remind me that I'm not good enough. This morning, I found out that Natsu has cancer and is now in the hospital. All throughout the day, my ex has been texting me, following me, and trying to talk to me. He says he changed but I know he hasn't. He said that the last three times!" He said sadly, looking up at Suga.

"Who, sho? Who's your ex? What happened?" Suga asked, pulling the other away slightly to look him in the eyes.


The word came as a whisper but Suga heard it loud and clear.

"C'mon. Let's take you home." Suga said softly, moving to get up.

"No! I don't want to be alone anymore." Hinata grabbed his arm softly, holding him in place.

"I'll stay with you."

Hinata looked up at the other, only to realize that were only a few centimeters apart.

The older one moved closer, trying to see if Hinata was okay with it.

Apparently he was as he moved forward as well, closing the space between them.

It was soft and simple, full of nothing but pure love and admiration.

When they pulled away, Hinata's tears had ceased to almost nothing.

"Come on, let's get out of here before someone else shows up." Suga reminded, standing up.

"O-okay." Hinata sighed, standing up on slightly shaking legs.

Suga moved his arm around Hinata, helping the other to stand and walk.

Once they had everything, the duo carefully made their way out of the club room and onto the street.

As they arrived at Hinata's house, Suga took in his surroundings, making sure to remember how to get there.

"Here." Hinata said, opening the door for both him and Suga.

"Come on, let's go get you changed." Suga smiled, leading Hinata up the stairs and into a room that had a poster of the little giant on the door.

"This is your room, right?" Suga confirmed, looking towards the shorter boy.

He gave a simple nod as Suga handed him a pair of black sweat pants and a baby blue hoodie.

They both changed, Suga into his spare clothes, which consisted of blue and white gym shorts and a black t-shirt. Hinata changing into the clothes provided by Suga.

"D-do you wanna watch a movie? W-we don't have to! It's just- y'know. I-" Hinata stuttered, nervously.

"Of course." Suga interrupted, grabbing Hinata's arm and falling down onto the bed with him.

This earned a giggle from Hinata as he held onto Suga, resting his head on his chest.

Stretching for the remote on the bedside table, Suga changed turned on the TV and and browsed through Netflix.

Half way in the movie, Hinata spoke up.

"H-hey, Suga?"

"What's up?" Suga asked, slightly tightening his grip around Hinata's waist.

"Um. W-what are we?" He asked softly, drawing shapes on suga's cheat with his finger.

"Well, what do you want us to be?" As he said this, Suga moved their position so that he was leaning against the headboard with Hinata in his lap.

"I-I want us to be more than friends. And- um. I want to be yours, Suga. That- That's what I want. I want for us to grow old together, and  teach our kids how to play volley ball, and for us to be there for each other. But, only if you want that too." Hinata  answered, a blush creeping to his face as he looked down in embarrassment.

Using his pointer and middle finger, Suga raised Hinata's chin so they were looking at each other.

"I would love that."

crying in the club room//sugahina Where stories live. Discover now