A Christmas Family Tiff.

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You had always had problems with your family, especially when it came to your parents sides of the family. You were closer to your moms side, mainly because they were more supportive of you, and your dad hated it. He always felt you were picking favourites when really, it was just the fact that you were closer to one side more than the other.

You and Ben had been huddled on the couch together watching Polar Express, your tradition on the 23rd of December. Frankie had been lying across both of your laps, Bens arm around your shoulders, gently drawing circles on your arm. All three of you were interrupted by your phone ringing, it was your dad.

You started to walk away from Ben, as you answered the phone. What the fuck is wrong with you, Y/N? Why are you only spending Christmas with your mothers family and not my brother?!

This was your first Christmas away from your parents, you could not fly home as you couldnt afford it, so you and Ben decided that you would it spend Christmas morning with his family, and then the afternoon with your moms side of the family. You would have gone to your dads brother if he had invited you sooner, however the plans you and Ben had made would not incorporate visiting your uncle as well. And you explained this to your father.

After the phone call with your dad, you were sitting on your bed, playing a staring game with a speck on the wall. You couldnt move out of pure anger at your dads reaction, and sadness at the same time.

Ben had heard the screams coming from your dad over the phone, and you trying to defend yourself to him. Love, are you okay? He knew exactly what you went through with your father, he so badly wanted to defend you against him, but you would never let Ben do that, knowing your father will hate him forever.

Just one look at Bens wide green eyes of worry broke you. Tears started falling, and almost within five seconds of them falling, Ben was by your side, holding you, rocking you gently back and forth. Im just so sick of his shit. You cried out into his arm.

He felt guilty, somehow. He wanted to help, but he didnt know how. This is my fault, I should never have organised us to go to my parents, I should have known your family will give you a hard time.

You then looked up, staring into his eyes full of guilt, your heart breaking at the fact that he would blame himself. Ben, no. Its not you. He is just being ridiculous, even if I went to both sides of my family for Christmas, he would complain that I didnt spend enough time with his brother.

His eyes softened just a bit, and then pulled you into another hug. Im so sorry that he does this to you.

You then started to cry again. Hes always done this. My mom told me, he had been doing this since theyve been married. For 23 years he has thrown tantrums and complained about going to spend time with her family. I never understood why she just never defended her family. I never will marry a man like him, after watching what she has been through with him, I dont want anyone like him. I just feel so bad for her.

You started to wail, thinking of how he always refused to see your moms dad, your grandad, until the day he died. And now hes gone, and he was the one who kind of brought balance in the family. You have always felt so bad for your mother, and now that you are an adult, he expects you choose his family over hers.

Ben shushed you soothingly, laying small pecks on the top of your head. Good thing your with me then, if you never want to be with anyone like him. He smiled lightly.

You looked up at him again, caressing his cheek, Ben, thank God your nothing like him. Thank you for treating me so good and comforting me, something my dad never does for my mom. You were now sadly smiling at how perfect your boyfriend was. He then placed a kiss on the inside of your hand, before placing a gentle kiss on your lips.

Shall I make us some coffee, and we get back to our movie? You nodded at him, taking his hand as he walked to turn the kettle on.

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