1. Did you enjoy the story? (BE HONEST!!!)
2. On a scale of one to ten with one being the least and ten being the most, how many grammar/spelling mistakes were there?
3. Which chapter was your favorite chapter in this book?
4. Who was your favorite character in this book?
5. Who was your least favorite character in this book?
6. Did you like the ending?
7. Do you think the story needed more details?
8. Did you think the title of the book was fitting?
9. On a scale of one to ten with one being the least and ten being the most, how awesome do you think Shadecloud is?
10. On a scale of one to ten with one being the least and ten being the most, how awesome do you think Seedfur is?
11. Up to this book in the series, do you think Bramblestar has been a bad leader?