Chapter 1

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Tanjiro wasn't sure he was ready for college.

He had gone over his checklist about 5 times, packed his stuff, hugged his tearful younger siblings and his mother goodbye, and took a taxi to the train station.

Initially, he kept his composure upon learning he was accepted to Kisatsutai College. His mother was ecstatic with joy, his siblings forlorn about his soon-to-be absence. "I'll be back for Christmas," he said, patting his sister, Hanako on the head. "I'll bring all of you something nice as presents, okay?" He smiled, Hanako mimicking his expression. It gave him a sense of relief, and yet a sense of pressure.

He was like the center of the household, someone who all the others looked up to. Like the sun. Because of this, he had no choice but to become accustomed to constantly stay calm, strong, and composed in each and every situation. To constantly smile to convince himself and everyone around him that he was okay. He could handle it. Alone. He's okay. So he didn't tell his mom how he barely slept the night before due to his anxiousness in anticipation of the following day.

How he wanted to stay in her arms for just a little while longer in that hug because he felt so safe, so secure. How he didn't actually want to leave. How nervous he was about attending, and doing horribly.

He paid the fare and exited the cab, thanking the driver. His cheeks flushed as he dishearteningly observed his surroundings, pulling his checkered scarf over his mouth and nose. It was especially cold for this time of year. He slapped his cheeks, startling a nearby woman sitting at a bench. Remember. You have to smile. Be happy.

He walked over to the nearby 7/11, deciding he may as well buy something to eat whilst he waited for the train. It was 11 PM when his train finally did arrive. he knew it would be a while before they reached Tokyo, so he made sure to stock up on plenty of snacks. Besides, he thought to himself. Food's a great distraction when I'm upset, anyways.

He peeked once more into his plastic bag of goodies upon settling down into his seat; onigiri, sando, soba with tempura, ramune, and more. He put the bag down next to him, and closed his eyes, the hum of the train lulling him to sleep.

"Oi. You're in my seat." His eyes flashed open instinctively, surprised by the sudden intrusion in his dreams. Beside him, stood a girl with piercing green eyes and thick, shoulder-length hair. Her hair was dyed blue at the tips. Tanjiro mentally applauded himself; that article he found was true when it said that the latest trend was dying the ends of his hair. Hoping not to draw too much attention with a loud color, he opted to dye it burgundy; regardless, it would definitely score him points to fit in. Tanjiro double-checked his ticket and the seat number. "No," he said. "This is my seat, maybe you're confusing mine for another one..." his voice trailed off as the girl's expression began to sour. "Listen here, fuckface," she hissed. "I don't have time for this shit. It's either you move, or I make you move." Tanjiro wasn't sure of what surprised him more--the huskiness of the girl's voice, or her attitude.

"I'm sorry, but I'm staying here," he said. "I'm not fighting you either, especially because you're a girl."

"Excuse me? Do I look like a chick to you?" she said, her eyebrows twitching. "I'm a dude, you fucking dumbass." He yanked the collar of Tanjiro's shirt, and within a split-second they were face-to-face.

"I'll ask you one more time. Move." He uttered that last word as if it were laced with a dose of lethal venom, a lethal venom he would inject into Tanjiro if he didn't do as he said.

Still, if there was one thing Tanjiro wouldn't do, it was taking crap from anyone. Not even someone from the city.

"Sorry, but it isn't happening. Beating me up won't solve anything, except probably getting you kicked off," he said, shrugging off the other boy's grip. "So why don't you try talking to the ticket master?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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