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New Boston hospital
Clair POV

I walk through the halls of the hospital where half my class lay unconscious and beaten half to death. "If only I had tried to help him instead of anger him more, I could have solved it peacefully!" I said that out loud which was a little embarrassing, but thankfully no one was around to hear my outburst. "I'm sorry John, I should've tried to help you become better. Now all my friends are bedridden because of my foolishness." I started to swell up with tears at the thought of John, I felt guilty for betraying him. While thinking about how I could possibly fix this mess, I look out the window to see small drops of snow on the roof of the building next to us. Seeing the peaceful white powder made me remember a time when John was still a low tier, and when he was the most kind-hearted person there could be.

It was a cold winter night and Christmas was a day away. Clair and John were just enjoying a nice drink when Clair tried to help John realize his power again.

New Boston woaba boba
Clair POV

"Come on John it's not that bad your ability is amazing!"

"Please, all I can do is weakly Sense auras."

Why does he think so low I'd himself? He has no idea what he will become or how strong he will be.
"I'm sure you can do a lot more than that you just have to learn how to use your ability." I tried to convince him he will become stronger but he just won't buy it.

"Whatever you say, Clair. Well, we better head out it's getting late."

"Since when have you cared how late it is?"

"Since I was ambushed and beaten half to death in an ally way."

Damnit, John, I wish I could do more to help you become stronger, but this attitude of yours is only holding you back.

"How do you expect to get stronger if you continuously doubt yourself and live in fear?"

"Who said I wanted to be stronger? I have you, Adrion, and my dad I have everything I want."

I never knew he felt this way, I guess he's right though why want more when you already have anything you've ever wanted. We left to go home after we paid for our drinks and decided to take the long way to enjoy the dark snowy night. We continued down the path towards the apartment complex that our parents live in. Hopefully, tomorrow is the day he realizes his power.

Christmas Day
Clair POV

I woke up early to meet with John so we could hang out today. He wasn't into getting and giving gifts and I grew out of it so we never had anything under the tree. When I got to his room, William stopped me and told me John might be a little different today. I didn't really know what he meant so I continued to his room to meet up with him. His door opened right before I was about to knock which scared me a little bit, but instead of normal John, I saw an excited John.

"What's up with you today?" I ask a little confused he's usually so sad all the time.

"I have something for you." He says with a slight blush and hands me a wrapped box. I open it to find a beautiful gold looking bracelet that seems to be outlined with what looks like sapphires.

"John how much did this cost you to buy this!? It looks so pretty!" I was almost ready to cry no one had ever done something like this for me before.

"It doesn't matter as long as you like it."

"T-thank you so m-much." I broke down after he said those words, I embraced him tightly, not wanting to let go of my best friend.

"Come on let's go we still have a lot to do today."

"Like what?" I was somewhat confused all we planned was to go get food then hang out the rest of the day.

"You said it yourself I'm never gonna get stronger if I never try."

I could only smile at him after he said this, he's finally coming to realize he can become so powerful.
"Took you long enough to listen to me."

"Come on let's go."

We got to the field where Adrion said he'd meet us to help John train and in hours I already noticed he was able to sense auras more efficiently. He even guessed most people's levels spot on once we went into town. Maybe he will become king after all.

End flashback

I'm brought back to reality after my trip down memory lane. I get off my seat and begin to walk out of the hospital, hoping one day I can get the chance to tell John how sorry I am for hurting him, and hopefully, I can tell him I still wear the bracelet he gave me every day and will cherish this gift till the day I die, no matter what happens, that Christmas Day was the best day of my life.

Thanks for reading this little Christmas short story guys this is dedicated to a friend in the voicing unOrdinary cast hope you liked it, Clair!

If you all think this would be a good story to do and eventually have a Clair x John with tell me and I'll continue it as a Normal story.

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