The Only Part

17 3 2

Ji Yeoman

Imagine keeping an idol in your basement, hiding them from the people who took their freedom when they signed the contract. Seven scared men in your house, the same exact men you thought were unstoppable. Shivering with fear, drenched in sweat, and pure innocence in their eyes.

Kim Namjoon the forgotten leader of the stars was curled in a corner hatching a plan. Min Yoongi the "general of the stars" staring at the food labels, examining each expiration date. Rationalizing about the day when one of us will need to go out and steal more food. Kim Seokjin comforting a crying Park Jimin, trying himself not to think of the day PD would find them in a teenager's basement like cowards. Kim Taehyung went mute from overwork, he's trying to regain his voice. He's made progress but still struggles with the silence. Then, of course, there's Jeon Jungkook trying to be brave but on the subtle side of suicide. Lastly, there's me standing on the stairs down to my basement, looking at the previously beautiful men that are now rugged and have a little stubble. I pray for them for there's and my safety.

As the sun sets on the Taebaek mountains, I start setting the tables, closing all doors with locks, and covering all windows with sheets. " Dinners ready!" I called out. The basement door slowly opened as Namjoon stuck his head out and looked around, most of the men still didn't trust me. "Namjoon no one else is here," I said with an eye roll, the door opened all the way revealing the men as they walked out to the kitchen. Our house is small, only meant for two to three people. The dining room is in the kitchen, the living room only separated by a frame, The upstairs held the bathroom and two bedrooms, one of which was holding several deadly weapons(just in case) and one that I slept in.

The boys were quietly serving themselves a plate of rice and beans. I sit down in between Jimin whose eyes are still red from crying and Jin who was trying to lighten the mood by making jokes. I was across from Yoongi who was staring at me intensely, "Do you need something Yoongi?" I ask wanting to make conversation, " No." the blunt answer startled me usually he wasn't this cold at least toward me. He, Jin, Jimin, Jungkook, and I had the best relationship. The roughness in his voice indicated he was upset, "I'll talk to him later." I thought to myself.

After eating, the rest of the boys went back down to the basement, I grabbed Yoongi before he could slip in. "Yoongi, what's wrong?" I asked while gently holding his hands, "I... um... uh..nothing, never mind !" Yoongi turned and headed up the stairs and entered the weapon room. Why would he go upstairs? I didn't cover the windows upstairs! I ran to the weapon room slamming the door open, "YOOn..." I stopped in my tracks. Standing in front of me was the one thing I had nightmares about PD or Hitman Bang. He growled words I couldn't understand, my world started spinning. "Yoongi, how could you?" was the last thing I said as a tear rolled down my cheek and I fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Kim Namjoon

"I don't know what's up with Yoongi, he woke up with a cold shoulder." I snarled at Jin, I felt bad so I grabbed his wrist and guided him into a corner where no one else could see us and kissed him passionately. After I broke the kiss I could clearly see his cheeks glowing red. He was looking at the ground, I lifted his head gently but before I could say anything a loud thud rang from upstairs. I instantly remembered Yoongi and Yeoman who hadn't entered the basement after dinner, apparently so did everyone else.

" I knew that bitch would pull something like this!" Tae whisper yelled and frankly I was thinking the same thing. Jimin and Jin continued to defend Yeoman, I heard footsteps on the basement stairs.

Alertly I threw everyone into the same corner that Jin and my affection, "Shut up everyone." I told them and everyone fell silent. The footsteps got louder and faster, all of a sudden the basement door flung open, Yoongi stood there staring at us.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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