Warming up into a new environment

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 (Your mum skip 'cause I'm sick of school XD)
~Martha's POV~
The day pretty much just breezed through. At the end Emily, Clariss and I walked back to our dorm. As we walked down the long hallway I ducked by Laira, Raven, Ami and Juliet's room. I was about to open the door but was interrupted by the door swinging open.  There in stood me was a very flustered Raven.
"What's up Raven?" I asked her worryingly, she was hardly ever like this.
"Dickhead has been assigned to our dorm! And more importantly why the girl dorms!" she shouted. I agreed with her. Why the he'll would the assign a boy to a girls dorm. But then... I guess maybe he has special stuff because he's a special assassin like us. But still! He shouldn't be able to get away with going into a girls dorm that easily.
"I agree with Raven, why the he'll were you assigned to the girls dorms?" I asked, he looked at me from inside her room. But before he could answer Asha, Elena, Katerina and Seanna came running out of their room and joined us in the door way.
"Yeah, Dickweed. Are you a transvestite?" joked Elena. I had a bad feeling that she may be right. And Dickface (Richard) almost confirmed my thought by giving no answer.
"Here, step aside. This is how you check." Asha pushed everyone out of the way and walked up to him. Just like that she brought up her foot and kicked him right in the dick. (ha ha ha see what I did here)
He stumbled back as Ami, Laira and Juliet jumped up to help him. But he pushed them aside.
"See the problem there, is your kicks would hurt anyone of either gender down there." commented Raven as Asha laughed. Dickface looked like he was going to kill someone... Well he is probably an assassin but other than that he looked pretty upset.
"Ok. Fine I'll be the brave one. Step back." Elena walked over to him. I knew exactly what she was going to do. I glanced over to Katerina as she slowly raised her hand to cover Clariss's 'innocent' eyes. (OK NOW BEFORE YOU GUYS ARE ALL LIKE. YOU’RE SUCH A PERV. IT’S BECAUSE I WANTED TO HAVE A BOY IN MY STORY BUT THEN HE WOULD HAVE TO AS CLOSE TO LAIRA AS EVERYONE ELSE OTHERWISE IT WOULDN’T BE FAIR! AND PLUS IT MAKES IT SO HE DOESN’T REALLY HAVE THE NORMAL BOY WEAKNESS)
Elena stood in front of him and took her move. She thrusted her hand down there and then stepped back.
"Didn't feel anything, I couldn't even grab on to anything." Raven flicked back her hair, with a VERY unimpressed look on her face.
"Are you saying-" started Juliet.
"Yes, Dickweed calls himself 'Dick' when he doesn't even have a dick." Elena turned to us.
“Wow, so sorry man.” Raven walked over and slapped him on the back.
I have to a agree with Raven I kind of felt sorry for him.
“Fine, Dickface. You can come stay in our room and dorm but if you perv on us or do anything weird… I’ll fucking kill you.” I sighed and pushed my hair out of my face.
“Thank you.” He smiled and started to follow me.
“So how do the dorms work?” he asked as we walked down the hallway into our room.
“Well the girls/ boys dorms is basically kind of like an area of many different dorms/ houses. In each house there’s a kitchen, a bathroom, lounge room and three massive bedrooms. In each bedroom there are four beds. All the furniture is provided, like a wardrobe and desk. All the bedrooms connect to a massive bathroom, with three separate bedrooms. Cassie, Emily and I share a room, Katerina, Seanna, Elena and Asha are in third bedroom and Laira, Raven, Juliet and Amy are in the bedroom at the end of the hallway.

~Richard's POV~
They were nicer than I expected them to be. As I walked into the big room I immediately was drawn to the empty bed and plain corner. I assumed that was where I would be sleeping. I walked over and started unpacking and putting together my sheets and clothes into the wardrobe.
We didn't really do much. The others kind of messed around together and did whatever they do. I just sat down at my desk and started to plan out my assassination. But I should probably go out and start to gain Laira's trust. I finally stood up and walked outside into the lounge room. But as soon as I turned the corner a pair of scissors came flying towards me, but I caught it calmly right in-between my fingers. I guess it was natural reaction, but the problem now is that now Laira may think I'm a little off.
"Ah! I'm sorry!" shouted Raven, I looked over at her, she practically on top of Laira.
"Nice reflects, Dickface." Martha smiled at me. She is definitely onto something. But she wasn't the person that freaked me out. Raven freaked me out and somehow Juliet does as well.
"Why were you playing with scissors?" I asked as I handed the scissors back.
"Well Laira attacked me!" Raven answered.
"What? How is it my fault?" she shouted back.
I smiled at how close everyone was. When Asha walked over to me and placed her arm on my shoulder and leaned on me.
"Well, Dick. Welcome to the fights and annoyance you're gonna have to put up with every day of your life." She said to with a very unimpressed tone in her voice.
"Do you want to go out, cook or go to the cafeteria?" asked Juliet as she got up from the sofa and put down her book.
"Cook!" shouted Raven as loud as she could.
"Can you even cook?" I asked. I didn't think hat she would have a skill like that.
"Nope! But it's worth a try!" she stood up happily.
"You guys gunna help?" Juliet asked as she started going through the fridge.
"I can't even cook 2 minute noodles." answerd Elena.
"I can help." answered Emily, Seanna and Asha.
"Me too." Clariss added.
"WOOOOOO!!! LET'S COOK!" shouted Raven as she ran into he kitchen as she dragged Martha with her.

~Laira's POV~
What the hell do they think they’re doing? Like I know Juliet can cook and Seanna, Asha, Emily and Clariss I'm pretty sure they can cook as well. But letting Raven and Martha into the kitchen is a safety hazard.
"Hey Kat and Amy you gonna help?" asked Juliet.
"Oh yeah sorry." she put down her book and ran over.
"We don't need too many people, so Seanna, Emily and Asha you guys can go back to your work. But I need Kat, Amy, Raven, Martha and Laira."ordered Juliet.
"Thanks Jules." smiled Asha as she walked over to sit down with the others.
"C'mon Lara, move your ass." Raven smiled at me as I groaned and walked over to help.
"You guys can chop up he vegetables and stuff." said Juliet as she turned around and started fiddling with thugs on the stove. I watched as Raven and Martha reached over for the knife. A shiver spread sown my spine.
"Somehing wrong Laira?" asked Raven with a worried look on her face.
"Yes. You holding a knife like you're going to stab that cucumber." I joked as I walked over to help them.
But for a weird reason I kind of felt really uncomfortable almost as if I was unsafe. I think Juliet noticed that because she kept on giving me weird looks. I ignored my thoughts and went back to chopping up the carrots. I glanced over to Raven's chopped up cucumbers. Man, did she suck. I turned to my left, Martha wasn't too bad at cutting.

~Juliet's POV~
I'm really worried about Laira. She keeps on frowning and has a really worried look on her face. I'm not sure if I should say anything...
"Hey, Juliet! I'm done!" I turned around to see Raven's horribly sliced cucumbers.
"Wow, Raven... You suck." I gave her an unimpressed look.
"You're so mean! I tried alright!" she shouted at me almost throwing it at my face.
"Well, Raven. I think they're beautiful." smiled Amy as she hung her arm  around her and patted her on the back.
"Don't need to flip out." I laughed.
"Just go Ito he fridge and get out the tomatoes, spinach and lettuce. Cut them up and put all the vegetables together. And then I'll give you a hand with the dressing when you're done." I told her as I gestured to the fridge.
"Can I do anything?" I turned to see Richard. That's kind of him. But I'm not sure if he'll just make it worse.
"Can you cook?" I asked.
"Yep." he answered simply.
"Ok, good. There're potatoes in the cupboard. Boil twenty of them and then peel them. And I'll give you more instructions after you're done." I told him I watched as he did what I told him to do. He was pretty good, with a knife.

~Katerina's POV~
After about an hour we had finally finished cooking. We ate and did some work and socializing.
"Hey! Kat, can you give me a hand with this? I don't understand algebra..." Raven leaned over on the sofa to me. She always asked me for help in maths and Laira for English and Science.
"Yeah sure. What's the question." I moved over to help her out, when Elena walked in.
"Hey, what time is it?" she asked. Why didn't she just check herself? But questioning her would just start an argument, I wasn't in the mood for.
"Ten thirty eight." I answered.
I tried to process what I had just said for I was really tired. I finally registered it.
"Lights out then."

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