𝐚.𝐠 couldnt do it without you

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ok so.
I'll be doing both Aidan Gallagher and five hargreeves imagines. if the title starts with their initials, (example: 'a.g' or 'f.h') then that is what imagine it's going to be.  if it has a 2 in the title then it's part two.

𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
you and Aidan. you both were best friends. really good friends. you did almost everything together. went to parties, spent holidays together, made music together. heck. even the song 'for you' was a sad song about how Aidan couldn't bear if something bad happened to you.  you were his inspiration. this bright light for him. you felt the same way. he inspired you to turn vegan and become more environmental.
"that was some good pizza wasn't it y/n."

"yeah. you know we need to come to this place again." I reached inside my pocket for my phone and took it out. I unlocked it and went to the 'notes' app to start typing a great idea.

Aidan was curious so he slightly move closer to me to see what I was doing. my cheeks turned a bright red that was visible. very visible.

"what are you doing..?" he asked me, he was inches away from my face. my eyes rose just a bit. I looked at him for a moment. "oh just.." I was nervous. so I took a deep breath like Aidan would always tell me to do when i was preforming a show.

I then calmed down. "writing down good restaurants, cafes, anything you know." I turned my attention back to the screen. I felt his eyes. staring at me. so, the anxiety me, started to get nervous again. I quickly typed the name of the restaurant and turned my phone off.

he was completely surprised. but he didn't say anything. "hey. I think I'm going to head-"

"you're free today, y/n. can we explore a bit?"

I stared into his eyes. his bright green eyes. I then bit my lip slightly. I didn't want to make him sad. I nodded my head and got up from the bench we were sitting on for less than half an hour. I stretched when I got up.

he did too. "where too?" I mumbled. my feet were getting a little wobbly. Aidan then looked around and then smiled. he started walking. walking towards the park.

"hey Aidan.." I quickly caught up with him and held onto his shoulder for a few seconds. he didn't answer, but kept walking. "to the park?" I was a bit curious.

he shook his head. "no." he then stopped when he got to a bus stop. then I realized what he is doing. I would see him sometimes. go to bus stations or stops.

Aidan told me he would go when he was bored. when he had no inspiration. he would sit in the bus for an hour or so. until he got somewhere. he says the best way to explore is by bus.

he then chuckled softly. "to the bus." he sat at the bench and I sat too. he took out his phone. and went through his camera roll. he was looking at pictures we took together. outside. in the rain. in a recording studio, at home, and the Hollywood sign.

"I love that picture." I replied. it was a picture of us together, trying a new desert at a vegan cafe we went to. that day was amazing. we spend half of the day indoors, watching a movie or making homemade soup, and the other half going to our favorite park.

he then smiled and looked at me, then back at that picture. "me too." he then swiped to the next picture. it was me. I had his phone and took a few funny pictures. when he was downstairs so he didn't know.

"oh that...!" I laughed as I stared at the picture. he then shook his head, a couple of times which made me laugh even more. "oh y/n.." he started to laugh too. until the bus slowly stopped at the bus stop where we were.

"ready?" he said with a smile, as we both got up at the same time. I scoffed and looked at him with a goofy face. "duh. you know that perfectly well."

the bus doors whisked open instantly. I then walked forward, and got on the bus. it wasn't crowded. it was perfect, since we liked the bus mostly to our selfs. I walked towards the seats at the end, with Aidan right behind me.

I sat in the back, and Aidan right next to me. "this is cozy." he smiled. I nodded my head and grinned. "sure is." then. I took out my phone and went to the camera app.

"picture?" I asked while holding up his phone. he then smiled and leaned in closer. my cheeks were getting warm. I smiled at the camera and he did the same. then. I took the picture. I held it down and stared at it.

he stared at it too. there was silence for a moment and it was starting to get awkward. the bus started to move. I then went to Instagram and posted it with the caption..,

"𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐬 @𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐫"

after that Aidan coughed. he was staring at me, so I looked directly at him. we stared into each other's eyes for a moment before he started to stutter.


"are we going to talk about us? y/n?"he questioned. right then I knew what he was talking about. we spent a lot of our time together and were always close. it was obvious we had feelings for each other.

I bit my lip. I was too awkward, and nervous to talk about this. with him. at least. I looked down and then at him. "what about us..?"

I knew damn well what he was talking about. I was just too scared to admit my own feelings to him. he then sighed.

"our feelings for each other." he then replied. he was nervous too. I could feel it. I don't know how. but the voice in him sounded different. like scared.

I then nodded my head a couple of times and didn't say anything for a few seconds. "we like each other right?" i said. i didn't want to look him in the eyes, but I had too. his green eyes. they were looking at me too. then I didn't feel scared.

I didn't feel nervous. I didn't feel sad when I looked into theme I felt at ease. "yeah. y/n. you realize... I've always liked you right?"

"uh-huh." I looked out the window. watching the cars go by. he sighed. "Y/n."

chills went down my spine. he would always say my name, but this was different. he felt more gentle than before. I then turned to stare at him. his gentle eyes locked with my own.



then he immediately planted his lips against mine. gently.

𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧 and you became a couple. well kept it secret. until the word came out. you didn't care about his fans spreading rumors, until it got to you. Aidan was there supporting you, and bring you to his tours. he kept you happy. and you did the same to him. if he was having a hard time, you would always be there, cheering up. you had dates in the movies, restaurant, parks, or at home. a month or so later he confessed that he loved you. and you know that love is a strong word. you said that you loved him too. and would always be with him. you both support each other, and spent times helping the environment while having fun. he also told you that he never felt like this with anyone. that you made him feel special. you felt the same exact way. you would always get butterflies when he placed his head on your shoulder, held hands, picked you up from behind, or his passionate kisses that he would give you all the time.

authors note: don't be afraid to send me any type of request that you would like to see! I would be tagging you if you send a request 💗

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