Chapter Three (Sable)

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"Watch out!" Said Sable, running off the big tree branch hovering over lake Lakille. She jumped off of the branch, wind smashing against her hair on her way down, and formed herself into a ball and splashed into the sweet, cool, water of the freshwater lake.

Her and her best friend, Malice, were right outside the palace gates, taking a swim under the hot summer sun.

Sable bobbed her head out of the water giggling. Malice was a few yards away, swimming towards her. Her long brown strands swooning around the crystallized water beside her.

Malice was average height, for a sixteen year old girl, with brown hair and blue eyes. Light pale skin and cherry lips. Sable and Malice looked alike, besides their facial features. Malice had a higher nose and wider eyes than Sable.

She was the princess of Kella and her sister, Rune, was the queen. Their parents died when they were young, along with their baby brother, Vane, there was a fire in th palace, only Sable and Rune survived.

No one knew how it started to this day. Just that it killed the King, Queen, and Prince.

Malice swam after Sable, and she started paddling away, towards shore trying to escape Malice's grasp that was about to consume her. She escaped once her feet touched the hot, sandy, ground of the small island. She cursed to herself and ran.

In the center of the lake, there was a massive island, and on the island was a giant oak tree. It had been there for as long as Sable could remember.

The funny thing about Sable and Malice's friendship, was that Sable was the princess, and Malice, well she was a well known thief. She stole from the rich people and kept to herself. Sable gave her a few things here and there to help, and help Malice so she would stop stealing, but it was in her blood. Sable would let her stay in the palace, but if anyone found out about their friendship, there would be riots in front of the palace. Protests even. Why would the Princess be helping a thief? A well known one at that.

Sable ran over the dry sand, which was now wet from her drenched clothes, leaking onto the sand and in between grains seeping into the earth, and back up the tree. She could scour that big oak tree in a matter of seconds. She got to get favorite branch, about ten yards high, and sat down, swinging her legs to each side sitting perfectly in the middle, waiting for Malice to catch up. As soon as Malice was a few feet away, Sable swung her legs back onto the branch and ran through the leaves, and dove off the edge of the branch and back into the water, testing Malice. She new she wouldn't jump. Malice wasn't that brave when it came to jumping a few stories into a lake. Sable's head bobbed up from the sparkling water. She took a big breath of air and wiped her eyes clear of what might be on them, and looked up, blocking the sun with her right hand.

"Come on Malice! It's almost time for dinner anyway!" Yelled Sable, begging for her to jump.

"Shut your yapper! You know I don't feel comfortable up here!" She backed up the other direction in her white stained swim suit.

The people of Kella always worried about sunburn's, it wasn't like they had ice everyday. The coldest thing they had in Kella, was ice, delivered from Aloo in exchange for other resources. So they wore modest swim suits that went from their shoulders to their kneecaps.

She made her way down the trunk, and started walking towards the water in Sable's direction. When she went all out spring mode and chased Sable in the other direction. Sable swam as fast as she could before Malice could grab her. Paddling across the lake was hard, it was a couple hundred feet to the other side. But Sable didn't care. All she thought of at the moment was making it to the other side before Malice dunked her underwater.

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