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Runaway hero! Is out of jail again! Are we safe in this society? Will heroes be able to protect us? They couldn't take down the single 18 years old ex-hero!
If that's how the events turn out will we even be safe? Are heroes really that different from us? FROM US! FROM CIVILIANS!

Ochako didn't want to hear any other words from journalist, it was enough! Just because they were some "normal" civilians doesn't mean that they can do and please whatever they like. This job for them was already hard sufficient and adding those pressure in heroes' jobs wasn't making it any better it was quite an entirely opposite. The girl clasped her hands together and bit her lip, Ochako felt blood coming out of her lips and shortly after Uraraka winced in pain. It wasn't fair! Why did Izuku had to turn into the villain? Why him? Why did some silly, stupid nerdy boy who dreamt to be the number one hero had to turn into a villain? What were his justifications? Deku wasn't kind of individual who would do something without a reason so why him? Why now? Were all of these his intentions from the beginning? Metallic smell and taste hit her tongue. She was...

Why him?
The girl was so lost in her thoughts that She didn't even realize when or how she reached her dormitory. Everyone in the dorm looked at Uraraka with worry, every single one of her classmates knew about her feelings for him. For god's sake, they even started dating each other! Uraraka closed the door behind her roughly, letting out the annoying sigh. She never wanted to events turn out like this, Uraraka never wanted anyone to pity her but all she was getting was something she hated compassion! Soon the girl fell asleep on her desk deep in her thought!

U-uraraka! I want to tell you something!-The boy said, blushing, looking away slightly- I love you Uraraka! Will you be my girlfriend?

Suddenly she woke up, cold wind hitting her back. The girl quickly closed the window. Not even bothering to think when she opened it. Ochako was about to turn around when she felt someone putting its head on her shoulder. The girl froze, her heart started to beat rapidly. Soon the girl got the courage to turn around and what she saw made her eyes teary. There was bloody Izuku next to her panting heavily.

I-izuku?- The girl asked stuttering. The boy looked up to her smiling at Uraraka, the way he used to a long time ago. Midorya took a quick glance at her and realized something. She has changed... A lot. Her giant round eyes didn't look as happy and full of life before it was filled with nothing but the dullness, she was skinnier and her skin was paler. It was his fault, all of his shit was his fault and he knew it! He knew everything. The girl got in eye contact with him they started for each other for a while then Uraraka looked away.

I should report you!-The girl said quietly almost in a whisper but Deku could hear the doubt in her voice.

Are you going to?-At that question Ochakos eyes got widen.

No...- They sat on the bed, the girl bandaging his wounds. Both of them were silent none of them dared to say a word, the silence was eating them up, it was annoying.

Everyone's looking for you!-The girl announced quietly

I know!-The boy replied

Even Bakugo and All might!

I know!-The boy retorted, suddenly he felt someone hugging him it was Uraraka. The boy could feel tears threatening his eyes- It's just... can we forget what we are? For this one night?-Izuku asked his voice cracking, he and Ochako were crying messes, both of them were finally letting their emotions out.

Only this one night!-The girl agreed smiling for the first time in a couple of months. Feeling each other's touch was something they missed very badly. Villain and the hero... Everyone breaks the rules, right?

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