Part 1

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"Hello~ hello~ hello~ hello~ 

How many~ koishiteru no? 

I can see~ sugu ni wakaru wa 

Makka na JERASHII kakaete..."

The Japanese alarm tone keeps repeating for the third time. Ava lies in bed with her eyes widely open. She couldn't sleep a wink and now it's already 11a.m. Her mind has not been able to shut down after the TV-series she watched last night.  She found a post from her friend on facebook about the new "piece of art" she watched, called "Lost in Austen". Ava downloaded it and found herself spending the whole night watching all 4 episodes and then lost in her own thoughts. She would rather lie in bed all the time, falling deep into her own world of imagination, the place where all her inner dreams come true.  This is exactly the phase of time that a girl finds herself more indulged into the world of courtesy, integrity, elegance and respect rather than the plain world she actually has to live in. Where do all these gutted feelings come from?

"It has been happening so often now", Ava thinks. Ever since she starts her university in October, nothing has gone the way she wants it to. When she was still in school, the thought of going to college meant freedom, partying, loads of friends and finally, a real boyfriend. But look at the indolent girl here, none of those things has happened or even has the slightest hint of going to happen. Freedom she has in terms of what to eat and what to wear and when to sleep. Partying? The number of parties she attended can count on one hand, reasons? She thinks she lost it. Somewhere in that period of time between school and college she dropped her partying mood. She was the most energetic, fun-loving girl in her school, yet here, she's nobody. Her closest university friend is one of her housemates, who is also her classmate. She is the only person Ava could actually talk to. Others? She can't even bother. At the beginning of October, she tries so hard to smile and sociably talk to everyone she meets to make acquaintance, yes acquaintance, not even dare to think of the word "friend". But that whole pretending to care attitude soon falls apart, no one in her university dorm's house knows what to talk about except for the simply "Hi" when accidentally bumping into each other in the kitchen. Of course, between the 10 people living in this house, there's a clear line diving them into groups: The girls who like partying, the girl who already got friends outside the house and the girls who just have bigger goal in life, that last division includes Ava and her friend, Naomi. And about the last but not least piece of her college dream, boyfriend, never has she ever felt that disappointed in her life. She feels genuinely indifferent to every boy in the college, not even a stir or allusion of a tiny crush.

And that huge disappointment adding up with the amazing imagination from the drama kept her awake all night, not to think of it but to think of a plot. She's a writer; well at least she thinks she is. She enjoys the feelings of the creative thoughts and passions rushing through her vein to every part of her body and making her type uncontrollably and unstoppably on the laptop. No one has ever had a chance to read what she writes because she is unhappy with them all. Her mind works faster than her fingers; when she types the beginning of the story, her mind has already wandered around the middle part of it. And to be honest, the most desirable gift that Ava ever wants or hopes someone invent it someday is a gadget that can write her thoughts into words.

This time as well, even when she hasn't started putting a word down, her thought has already advanced and jumped to all the striking and rousing moments between the main characters in her next story. It's a love story in the world just like the one she lives in right now with only a tiny bit difference. It is that everyone still has their ways of talk, walk and behave like in those period dramas. Yes, it's a mixture of both worlds. She wouldn't want to give up the modern in this lifetime but she desires that civility and manners from that long time ago.

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